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proud of this man (Keith Fulcher)

It was 13 months ago that Keith and I got on an airplane to go to Los Angeles, and today we are flying back home.  Some awesome things have happened in these last 390 days.  Discipleship has happened as Keith was part of the LA Dream Centerā€™s Discipleship program.

To hear Keithā€™s testimony go to my Facebook page to watch it from Sundayā€™s graduation.  The link is this:

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

It is awesome to listen to Keith share about where he has come from the last year, but what gets your attention even more is the last 40 years of alcohol and drug abuse.  He would share with you about the pain he caused, the money he lost and the time that is never to return.  What led up to Keith going to LA is the times he tried and tried to get clean.  It might happen for some months, but it didnā€™t stick. 

This time is going to stick because what the last 13 months have brought it not learning about addiction.  It has been about follow Jesus and living to please Him.  He has memorized Scripture and lived character traits that are framed for us in the Bible.

Those of you who attend our church or live in the area and know Keith will be blessed to see what God has done in Keithā€™s life.  He will share his testimony live with us in the coming weeks.  He will begin to get involved in the life of the church and in the lives of people around us, and Keith is excited about all that is ahead of him.  I am excited for him as well.

Will you help us bless and encourage Keith?  Letā€™s shower him with Cards this coming Sunday.  Get a greeting card, write a message in it, pray over it, tell Keith you will pray for him each week and bring it to church with you on Sunday.  One more step and gift that would bless Keith is a gift card to some of the local restaurants in our area (McDonalds, Wendyā€™s, Subway, Pizza Hut, Sonic, Chick-fil-A, etcā€¦ and for $5 or 10 dollars).  If you can only do the card, thatā€™s great, but please help us bless Keith.  Bring the card to church on Sunday and put it in the basket at church or mail your card to TCF, attn: Keith Fulcher, POB 388, Collinsville, VA 24078.

The days are marked with blessing as Keith has set his mind, heart and his direction to honor God and to serve his community.  You know, that sounds a lot like our vision at The Community Fellowship to demonstrate the love of God to our community, and that is just want we are heading home to do.

Keith will spend the next few days with his family and especially his grandkids.  Then on Sunday he will share with our church some of his experience and his commitment to God.  You wonā€™t want to miss it.  I am proud of this guy!

Congratulations to our former worship leader Trey Harris, Bassett High School band director, who was named VA Public Schools Region 6 teacher of the year.  Very proud of HIM!!!


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