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insta truth

It is a new day.  Some of our definitions in 2013 are far different from the ones I remember in 1993 or even 1983.  The younger generation (seems like I am saying that I am getting older) may well say that the dark ages were only a few decades ago.  Because of the excellent education I got in a Tulsa high school and a Georgia college I know that the dark ages were centuries ago. 

History classes in the 70’s and 80’s talked about the invention of automobiles and the industrial age, and we move on to this day where our kids are hearing about industry and homes moving to tiny computers and phones that fit in your pocket and can be used almost anywhere.  For lots of people the fast moving world of technology is too much to handle.  I like technology and my cell phone.  There’s more to come.

you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him,

My kids read through twitter and look at the pictures on instagram every day taking in the words and pictures, the moods and the captions.  Don’t be fooled, I scroll through both of those and Facebook as well learning from some of the things that come into my view.  Push aside the drama and the careless junk that comes your way and begin to store away and then think about the truth that sticks out to you.

Let’s call those things “insta truth” not because they are instant or have some special theology tucked in behind them.  It is “insta truth” because it is a moment that God chooses to point you in a specific direction and to plant something in you.

Psalm 50:2  NLT
From Mount Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines in glorious radiance.

Those times are to be cherished.  Hold the truth that God gives you tight because He will shape your life, guide your future and help each of us create the curriculum that we teach to the people we are blessed to influence.

Do you spend much time looking at the verses that people put on beautiful pictures?  One of my first memories on the computer was a screen saver of Thomas Kinkade’s paintings with scripture perfectly placed along the stream of light that the artist created. 

God gives us glimpses of His creation and His truth all the time.  Are we taking in the things God shows up?  Like the pictures in our Facebook feed or on Instagram there are small pieces of truth rightly placed by God to teach us.  Each one can open our eyes to allowing our heart to soak up some of God’s truth, but this cannot take the place of studying the Bible and going deeper with God. 

Too many people compartmentalize their lives for the areas where God is allowed and where He is not.  That cannot be true.  He is Lord of all or not Lord at all.  Allow God to speak to you, to teach you and to guide you in every second of every day.  Take in the small pieces that come across your path.  I pray that God will give us insta truth and continue to change our lives for His good every day!

Job 37:5  NLT
God’s voice is glorious in the thunder. We can’t even imagine the greatness of his power.


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