story goes like this: the people of God had forgotten. This actually happens a lot. After a good bit of time and after lots of
days doing the same old thing people forget where they have come from and the
struggles they went through.
as they followed Moses and went through the wilderness began to complain about
so many things. But that really is human
nature. We forget the things that are
the most important as our situation moves further away from the time when they
actually happened.
children of Israel lived in slavery and bondage in Egypt. It was an extremely hard time. Yes they had food, clothes and a place to
live, but they had to work hard and have little rest or no relief from the task
masters that they worked for.
they left slavery the day in and day out of the desert began to weigh on
them. Not only did they forget lots of
things, but these people turned away from God.
That is not a great move. In fact
their choices led them to miss some of the biggest and sweetest blessings that
God has given anyone.
As the
people cried out God put in place reminders that the people who see and be
reminded to follow God. We need
reminders too.
15:38-41 NLT
āGive the
following instructions to the people of Israel: Throughout the generations to
come you must make tassels for the hems of your clothing and attach them with a
blue cord. 39 When you see the tassels, you will remember and obey all
the commands of the Lord instead of following your own desires and defiling
yourselves, as you are prone to do. 40 The tassels will help you
remember that you must obey all my commands and be holy to your God. 41 I
am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt that I might be
your God. I am the Lord your God!ā
tassels were to be sewn on to the clothing of the leaders, and the reminders
worked. God made us and knows how to
help us the best. By placing a reminder
that they could see there was a special point put in the mind of each person
that cared to follow God.
they saw the tassels, to obey God and to be holy would come to their
minds. They would think about the fact
that they have a God who has saved them and protected them, God who has
provided food and direction, God who loved them and had a better plan that
would take them to a new land.
As I
read this Scripture and the verses around it I was struck by the comment about
the āland that flows with mild and honeyā.
I thought that phrase was reserved solely for the promised land where
God was leading them. But that was not
true. Someone remarked that the land
they have been released from, the nation of Egypt, was a āland that flows with
milk and honeyā. I do understand the
symbolism. The rivers werenāt flowing
with milk. That phrase was about the
resources supplied to them.
need reminders of where we have come from and of what God has done in our
lives. He has loved us and forgiveness
us. God loves us and nothing can change
that fact.
are all kinds of reminders around us.
People wear ribbons about cancer.
People tie reminder ribbons on their fingers to keep them from
forgetting. Others tie ribbons around
trees and other places as points of honor and of remembering. God reminds us often.
He is
for us and not against us. He has
written our names in the book of life.
He is preparing us for amazing days and for blessings. He was doing all kinds of things to remind
His people, Israel, that He is planning a time that will blow their minds.
need reminders. Put that Bible verse in
your mind, on the dashboard of your car or on the window of your bathroom. Let God remind you of His love and of His