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The Community's NEW CAMPUS

It really is an honor to share with you some of the things that God is doing around The Community Fellowship and in our community.  The biggest and most important reason that I share with you is that we need to come together and pray together as we move forward to demonstrate the love to our community and far beyond in the coming days.

In Tuesday's newspaper there are an article titled "Shelter could open in fall", and the article was about the push that we are spear heading to open a men's homeless shelter in Martinsville and Henry County.  You can read the article at THIS LINK.  I ask that you read it, share it and continually pray over this.  In January over 50 homeless people were discovered in our community, and I believe, along with many others in our community, that these friends are important and need someone to speak up for them.  That is what I believe we are called to do.

Therefore, I ask you to pray in three specific ways for The Community's NEW CAMPUS.  We have now owned the property at 700 Commerce Court (formerly American Standard Building Systems) in Martinsville for about 9 months, and we have made and continue to push to take strides to make this a reality for the church and our community.

First, I ask that you pray for permits, permission and resources to begin the building process on the campus.  It will cost a lot of money to allow us to move to this new location.  The estimate is just under 1 million dollars.  Pray that God will give us favor with authorities, building professionals and that God will provide the resources and workers to begin this process.

Second, pray specifically for the roof on the office building that needs to be replaced.  Kasim Adams is the one leading this process for our church.  He has received bids from lots of different people and learned much about various kinds of roofs.  At this point Kasim and I believe that we can put on this roof for the cost of materials.  Please ask God to provide these resources in the coming weeks.

Third, join me and many others in praying for a permanent homeless shelter for our community.  The need is for a shelter for men as there is a shelter for women already, but I also believe there is a need for a shelter that will assist families.  The article articulates the need very well that this is not just about giving someone a place to stay for one night.  It is about helping homeless friends find support and a permanent place to live.  Our church has been honored to serve homeless friends for 7 years.  

The Community as a church continues to make an impact on our community each week as we offer support and encouragement through meeting needs such as food and clothing.  We are able to pray with many people.  What an honor it is to watch and be a part of God changing the lives of the people we get to serve.

We continue to do what God has called us to do.  We continue to serve people who are not served by others.  We continue to speak up for those who cannot or will not speak for themselves.  Once again I ask that you join me and our church leaders in this effort.

If you have questions or suggestions, please feel free to email ( or call me (276-647-8231), as we make a difference by meeting needs with no strings attached.  Thank you for praying, giving and joining me as a church family and as a member of this community.  We are about to see God do incredibly more than we have thought possible (see Ephesians 3:20).  This Sunday we begin a new series titled "Come Together" which is what must happen to be successful in this work.  Thank you for being ALL IN.  Truly, God is good all the time!  I will see you soon.

With God as my guide,

Pastor Michael Harrison-- James 1:5


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