But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that
by which we were bound, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in
oldness of the letter.
is nothing like applying the things that God says are true about us. Being saved means that God has changed our
lives. We have gone from being under the
law to under grace. We went from living
for what the old self wants to having the possibilities of a new person, the
one God made possible through Jesus.
person who has been saved has been released from sin and given new life in
Christ. Being saved is more than simply
a change in our eternal destination. It
is further a change in our standing before God.
Before salvation our sin is uncovered and under the penalty of Godās
law, yet after salvation we are under grace with our God covering our sin with
His sonās death on the cross and finally his resurrection.
is a new view of our sin. The habits
found in our lives are no only breaking the law and heart of God, but they are
keeping us from experiencing the freedom and abundant life God wants us to
have. Sin has be dealt with. God forgave it, and now it is our turn to
apply what God says about it.
If that had been necessary, he would have had to die again and
again, ever since the world began. But no! He came once for all time, at the
end of the age, to remove the power of sin forever by his sacrificial death for
and for all Jesus died for our sins, and He made us come to spiritual
life. His plan is to remove the penalty
and power of sin from our lives. Yet the
problem is the presence of sin is still here.
That is where we make a choice to follow God, forsake sin and give God
this truth lets us apply the freedom God promises for those who pursue
God. Realize that God have been pursuing
us long before we were pursing Him. His
death broke the power of sin. His grace
gives us opportunities to experience the potential of His new life in us. Freedom does more than feel good. Freedom opens us to enjoy life like we may
have never done before.
phrases ādead to sinā and āalive to Godā take on new meaning when they come
attached to the truth God gives us. I
pray that God helps us to consider what He says, apply what He says, believe
what He has said and hold tight to it until Jesus returns or he takes us to