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Showing posts from July, 2014

a few reminders

We are a couple days, really only a few hours away from one of my favorite times of the year.   It is our outreach event known as back2school , and this year we will serve almost 2,000 students.   This is the seventh year of the event, and once again I mention my friend Bill Barker of Appalachian Regional Ministry as the one who helped us begin to think big about serving students in need.   What a great honor it is to help students and to tell them about real hope. That is what these students and their families will hear about this weekend as they go to any of the 5 churches that are part of this yearā€™s event.   They will learn about hope in Jesus and learn that their future is laced with success as they look to God.   I pray that many lives will be changed beginning now and in to the future. Therefore, I pass on to you some of the thoughts that are going through my head as I write.   They are verses from the Bible, and they really are promi...

volunteer of the week WENN HAROLD

This week we honor Wenn Harold as The Community Fellowshipā€™s Volunteer of the Week!   Wenn Harold and his family have attended The Community Fellowship for 3 years.   He has been active in several ministries including filming the baptisms weā€™ve celebrated since heā€™s joined us.  Wenn also filmed events such as the one we hosted in Fieldale with Woodmen of the World.   During our back2school registration, Wenn spent time entertaining the children by making balloon animals for them.   Other ministries that Wenn is involved in include being part of the Creative Team, serving as Production Manager, making sermon graphics and he also designed our ā€œI Love Communityā€ T-shirts.   Wenn loves playing music for the worship bands at both The Community Fellowship and at Newday of Martinsville and Henry County.  He also enjoys using his gift of music ...

I love these guys

Daniel 10:19   NLT ā€œDonā€™t be afraid,ā€ he said, ā€œfor you are very precious to God.   Peace!   Be encourage d!   Be strong !ā€   As he spoke these words to me, I suddenly felt strong er and said to him, ā€œPlease speak to me, my lord, for you have strengthened me.ā€ Todayā€™s thought is going to be short and sweet.   We are in the middle of getting ready for our back2school outreach that happens this Friday and Saturday, and we spent Tuesday getting several of the pieces together.   Wednesday is going to be another busy day with a road trip and delivering shoes to all 5 of our locations!   I so love what we get to do. And I love these guys too.   The people from our partner churches have been a great encouragement to me.   The pastors from these churches have spoken words of courage and strength so many times.   I know these guys pray for me, and I pray for them. Last night we packed the backpacks that will be given away this...

do what you can

1 John 3:17   NLT If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassionā€”how can Godā€™s love be in that person? That is a tough verse especially when the people around us, and maybe even some of us, have the gift of giving excuses.   I am too busy.   I donā€™t have enough money.   I donā€™t understand.   They have issues.   I am not like them. Seeing people in need ought to make us have a heart of compassion that finds ways to serve others.   One of the things we have the ability to do is be part of the ministries in our area and at our church.   It is such an honor to work with a great group of people at The Community Fellowship that love to serve. With back2school ahead of us this week, there is a place for everyone to serve.   There are also things that you can provide that will make the event that much better.   Find a place to serve here or somewhere. 1 Peter 4:10 ...

lOOk further

Philippians 4:19 NLT And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. My heart goes out to hurting people.   In our work we meet lots of people who are in critical places either by their choice or their situations in life.   What I do know is that I have seen God do some incredible things.   He has done miracle after miracle and brought life and hope to countless people. God has taken care of me.   He will supply the same for others.   That is why it is so important to share what God has done for you with others.   Our stories will influence people to get to know Him and to be drawn closer to Him. Psalm 145:15   NLT The eyes of all look to you in hope; you give them their food as they need it. It is the people who look to God that find real hope.   Far too often those who are in the greatest need either donā€™t know God or have looked ...

back2school WHAT IS STILL NEEDED for The Community

Hey Community family and friends We are ONE WEEK away from our  back2school  outreach event.  There are still some needs that you can help us with.  Please ask others to help.  Pass on the information, and thank you ahead of time for doing what our church does best... get it done no matter what it takes! SCHOOL SUPPLIES NEEDED ARE Wide Ruled Notebooks Or Composition books, 60 MORE Wide Ruled Paper, 575 MORE College Ruled Paper, 275 MORE SHOES NEEDED ARE Boys size 1, 31 pair Boys size 2, 27 pair Boys size 3, 27 pair Boys size 4, 19 pair TOTAL OF 104 PAIR OF SHOES We need hairdressers at our locations AND at our Danville location.  This is A BIG NEED.  Please help us find some people willing to serve. We need VOLUNTEERS for special needs day.  Call Tracy Mosley at 276-340-8516 or email her at We also need VOLUNTEERS for the event day.  Email Brooks at to let him know you want to help (training is Thursday night at 7pm an...