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sharing moments

Today’s post is a bit more personal in nature than usual, but I’d like to share some of my current happenings, hurdles, hopes and my heart.  This is a great time to be alive.

Our middle daughter celebrates her sixteenth year of life today.  I am still not ready for our kids to grow up, but it is happening before our eyes.  Seems like yesterday that baby Ruth was born, she took her first steps, she split open her head and had to get stitches, was baptized, began playing the clarinet, had her appendix out… and so much more.  I am so proud of her, and my prayer is that she and all three of our children will experiences huge blessings from God.

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.

Ten days ago I returned from a mission trip to Nicaragua with some awesome people from our church.  It has been over 13 years since I have been in Central America.  I had the honor to serve with an agency in 2000 that was building a hospital on the northern coast of Honduras, and this trip to Nicaragua has stirred once again the love for missions and pushing the church, the people I am blessed to serve, to go further and to do more.  Our lives change as we see life and people from a different perspective.

Acts 1:8  NLT
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

While I was in Nicaragua Julie and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary.  These years have flown by, and we truly are blessed.  Julie has brought things, experiences and love my direction that no one else could have helped me with.  She is a gift from God, and I confess that relationships aren’t easy.  But relationships are worth fighting for, working hard through and sharing with others.  Marriage has taught me a lot.  A couple of the things that stick for me as advise I would give others entering marriage; first, seek to be selfless as the more you give the more you will be fulfilled, and second, fight together with your spouse for your marriage and not against each other since we are really on the same team.  I am big time blessed to have Julie in my live, and the next 21 and more years will be even better.

The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord.

There are so many pieces coming together in relation to the vision God has given us for the church I get to serve.  Some days I am simply impatient about our move in to the new campus that we have purchased, but when I slow down and look and listen, I continue to be amazed at the place God has us and of the future that is ahead.  This past weekend allowed us to feed people and share the Gospel in ways that led 12 people to accept Jesus.  That is what demonstrating the love of God to our community is all about.

I have said nothing about it to this point, but this week is the anniversary of the beginning of The Community Fellowship church.  Yes, we have just completed seven full years of ministry.  Take a look at what God has done and the people God has brought our way amazes me, and it leaves me in awe and wonder of our God.

He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises.

I am convinced that every area of our lives are connected.  We must not seek to segregate our lives into our professional, personal or spiritual life.  It really is all connected, and it is God’s call on our lives to allow Him to slow through every part.  Literally God offers us the abundant life promised in John 10:10 as all of life is about Him.

Today I have spoken about my daughter’s birthday, the joy of a mission trip, reality of 21 years of marriage and the blessings of sharing ministry with others as God has given it to us.  May God allow each of to see His moving and to allow His work in and through our lives so that others will see Him and fall deeply in love with our incredible and compassionate God!


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