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using our skills for the kingdom

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.

They were just trying to intimidate us, imagining that they could discourage us and stop the work. So I continued the work with even greater determination.

What are the skills God has put in your life?  Some people work well with their hands with special skills like a carpenter or an artist.  Other people are great leaders or teachers that help other people join in the process.  The strongest people are those who have joined their skills with others which actually makes everyone involved much stronger.

The same is true of The Community Fellowship over the last eight years that God has used us to impact our community.  We have been part of a group of churches known as the SBC of Virginia or SBCV since we began.  Not only have there been people from this organization that helped us organize, but along the way we have been able to work together on various projects across our region of the work.

The last week of September is the week of prayer and offering for the SBCV, and that is why I have been sharing about our partnership and how we have worked together for the purpose of honoring God and the growth of His kingdom.  Please pray for the churches involved in winning our state to Christ and who are serving the people in the communities in which we live.

It was in May of 2012 that our church family was able to buy the former American Standard Building Systems property.  It is 22 acres and over 140,000 square feet under roof that will one day become the home of The Community Fellowship and our ministries.  This past summer has an incredible time of transformation for this new building.  We have a very long way to go for the move, but we continue to move in that direction, seek the resources needed, continue building and seek God for our future.

One of the ways we have seen this property transformed is with the help of Baptist Builders led by our friend Bill Miller from Danville.  Several Thursdays each month Bill leads a group of 5 to 10 men who are working throughout our building.  These men are skilled laborers most of whom are retired and love giving their time and effort to churches like ours.  They are helped with our new stage but are currently working on the walls in our new childrenā€™s building.  Baptist Builders is a ministry of the SBCV that supports new construction, renovation or current property and often help with disaster relief work in our state and beyond.

I have to also thank the group of almost 70 men known as Men on a Mission that came to help us the last week of May.  These men helped us and through their labor of love gave us a gift worth far more than $100,000 in free labor to help prepare our new campus.

Another of our partners is SBC Disaster Relief.  Our new campus has become a hub of resources for disaster relief work for the east coast of the United States.  This began not long after we took possession of the property and will continue for a long time.  It is incredible to look back at how disaster relief workers have been helped by things we can assist with.  When a natural disaster happens on the east coast, often we get the call to assist with resources.

There are lots of other people and partners that have helped our church family grow and get stronger, but we would be so wrong if we did not acknowledge the fact that our greatest resource is not in buildings or in material things.   Our greatest resource is people.  The people who are part of our church and the people who have chosen to partner with our church family are a tangible gift from God allowing us to do more and share Christ more often.

When we use our skills for the good and growth of the kingdom of God, we are doing more than we know.  May God use our people, our greatest resource, to make a huge impact in Martinsville and Henry County, throughout Virginia and the United States and to the ends of the earth.

May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvationā€”the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christā€”for this will bring much glory and praise to God.


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