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Showing posts from December, 2014

great things ahead

The past year has been full of challenges as well as blessings, but what I am most excited about in the coming year are the great things God is going to do.   He has made so many promises that once again we must expect lives to be changed and greater accomplishments to be made. I have a few thoughts on what makes a person great.   These are generic.   These are things I have found true and have experienced from God.   Therefore, you and I have a choice.   Will we prepare ourselves to experience the best God has?   Or, will we wait, sit back and let others receive the blessings God wants us to have? Greatness is a matter of choice.   Choose God. Colossians 3:2   NASB Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. Set your mind.   The mind is the place where our will and our emotions find their root.   It is not about happiness.   It is about allowing the plan of God to take the most imp...

preparing for a new year

Tomorrow is New Yearā€™s eve.   Letā€™s do something a bit different in todayā€™s devotion. Choose one of the following passages, read the passage and then spend some time answering the questions below: PASSAGES Matthew 5:3-16   (the Beatitudes) 1 Corinthians 13 (the Love chapter) Galatians 5:16-24   (the Fruit of the Spirit) Ephesians 6:10-24   (the Armor of God) Psalm 139:1-24   (how God knows and strengthens us) QUESTIONS What do these verses teach us about God? What do I believe are my strengths that God points to in these verses? What might my weakness be where God wants to work on me? What are three goals I can set for the coming year based on this passage? I am praying for: Those who are hungry, hurting or homeless.   For my family.   For my church.   For our country.   Who has God put on your mind to pray...

set for a great 2015

In 2014 we have been able to minister to over 14,000 people through sharing clothes and food, helping with homelessness, preparing kids for school and the like.   Over 50 people have accepted Jesus through the process.   I honestly believe that those numbers remind us of who is really in control.   That would be God.   No me.   Not you or any one else in our church. Those facts also set us up for a great 2015.   How is that?   We want to be able to do more and to impact more lives for the cause of Christ and the growth of Godā€™s kingdom. My prayer for me personally in the coming year is that I would be a stronger leader in my home and in the church helping my family and our church family to seek God for greater impact in the lives of people we encounter.   That is no easy task because it is my heartā€™s desire to help people embrace their passion and to pursue their God given dreams with more gusto than ever before. This past Sunday i...

end of the year giving

INFO ABOUT END OF THE YEAR GIVING   As I reflect over 2014, I think of those who have benefited from the ministries and teaching at The Community Fellowship.  I think of the huge progress we have made on our new building that we will one day finish and move in to.  I think of those who have been set free from addiction and poverty.  Those who have received Christ.  The children and students we have served.  I think of the families whose lives were touched through the meals we have served and the clothes we have given out.  I think of those who have been impacted by our commitment to help those who are homeless.  What is more amazing is that all of this was done through our small church called The Community Fellowship.  Julie and I are thankful for those of you who generously give to support the ministry God has given this church.  It has been said where ā€˜God guides, God provides...

Merry Christmas

From our family to each of you ... Merry Christmas

twas the day before Christmas

MERRY CHRISTMAS from my family to you!!! Todayā€™s devotion is intended to make us think a bit about how we, as Christians and followers of Jesus, interact with the Christmas story on a regular basis.   Maybe this is a parody of ā€˜Twas the Night Before Christmas , but it wonā€™t flow the same.   Forgive me on that part.   But read on, and may God fill us with Christmas celebration on a daily basis! Luke 2:7   NLT She gave birth to her first child, a son . She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them. ā€˜Twas the day before Christmas and all across the world people have prepared to celebrate this annual holiday.   Decorations abound.   The music plays everywhere possible.   Through the air there seems be electricity of anticipation. Itā€™s not the material goods or the presents that will be opened.   It is not the food that will be eaten or the even the conversati...

have you seen the Savior?

Matthew 1:21   NLT And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus , for he will save his people from their sins.ā€ We are a couple days away from Christmas, and the verse above is one of those we might have heard lots in the past month.   It is true.   Not only on the first Christmas, back in Bethlehem, but even today it is, He is true.   Jesus is the Savior of the world.   He is the one that we talk about in John 3:16. Have you seen the Savior?   No, I didn't just ask did you go to the manger when he was born like the shepherds did.   But have you seen Jesus in and around your life? Some people literally are ā€œJesus with skin onā€.   I mean that we have been around people who have lived for God and allowed Him to live through their lives.   One of my favorite authors, Bill Gillham , said that we are simply ā€œearth suits with Jesus zipped up inside of usā€.   That might be a little simplified, but it is a fact. ...

do something for someone

Matthew 25:40,45   NLT ā€œAnd the King will say, ā€˜I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!ā€™ ā€¦ ā€œAnd he will answer, ā€˜I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.ā€™ It is the week of Christmas, and all through the town and countryside are people preparing for the celebration.   Yet some are missing all the fun.   Some people arenā€™t sure of the date while others donā€™t have a clue at all. I think of the people that I have walked by this week, or really since Thanksgiving.   The real truth is that there are some people missing in our preparation and in our celebration.   Some of them are on our radar screen but others arenā€™t.   There are important times like this when we need to stop and think about those who are missing and in need. Those who have experienced death It may have been recent ...