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Showing posts from June, 2015

the love of God

The last 5 or 6 weeks have been spent thinking a much and preparing for sermons under the title of LOVE WINS.   There is so much more that I want to share from my conversations, from prayers and from my heart that is overflowing with the magnitude of how big and great Godā€™s love is. Humanly speaking we cannot wrap our brains around how much God loves.   Furthermore, we cannot explain sufficiently to anyone how His love works and how we are changed by it.   What we can explain is how we have experienced God and His love.   No one can refute our testimony and our experience.   That is what we need to share with others. The older I get, the more I seek God, the more incredible His love grows to me and the more I realize that I do not understand or grasp how great it really is.   I have shared with you several times some of the overflow of my study to preach.   Today I share with you some lines from songs that give us a little picture of our Go...

more of real #LoveWins

1 Corinthians 16:14   NASB Let all that you do be done in love . Romans 12:9   NASB Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good. I finished up the series LOVE WINS at The Community Fellowship on Sunday, and this week I hope that share some things that God is working on in my heart and in my understanding. One of the things that love, real love, shares is the lack of hypocrisy.   Conditional love is hypocritical because it changes with situations, feelings or one of thousands of other things. John 13:34-35 NASB A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another , even as I have love d you, that you also love one another . By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another . We prove we are disciples of Christ when we love others.   This is not easy.   But when we choose to love others, we are honoring God and bringing pleasure to the one that really m...

do something together

1 Timothy 4:12   NASB Let no one look down on your youth fulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe. This week I had the honor of spending time with the some of the students from our church that were part of the SBCVā€™s Fusion mission camp.   Our team was connected with Church on the Avenue in Richmond, VA to impact their community.   They did yard work, prayer walked and prepared for a huge block party that will happen tonight.    Pray for the success of this event! Fusion mission camp involved students from several different churches that served across the Richmond area.   Some worked in backyard Bible clubs, some worked with block parties, some cleaned yardsā€¦ and the list goes on.   Much was accomplished by these 150 students and their leaders. Back at home on our new campus students from three local churches (Christ Church, New Life Community Church, Hope Presby...

love expressed

NOTE: I am still with our teens who are at camp this week, and I am sharing devotions from great people who inspire me.   Todayā€™s come from Pastor Robert Morris of Gateway Church.   The original can be found at THIS LINK . Do you ever look around and think to yourself, ā€œIs this all there is to life?ā€ Do you ever feel a hunger, a discontent, a yearning for something else? An intense longing for more? Thereā€™s a reason for that. Itā€™s because you were created for something more. You were created for a greater purpose. You were created to be a worshipper. Itā€™s not a question of whether or not youā€™re a worshipper, because every single person on earth is a worshipper. The question is: ā€œWhom or what are you worshipping?ā€ But what exactly is worship? The simplest and most accurate definition of worship is ā€œ love expressed .ā€ In order to worship God, you must first have love in your heart, but you also have to express that love. If itā€™s not expressed, itā€™s not worsh...

Ten reasons to rejoice. But mostly, just one really big reason.

NOTE:   I am spending some time at our youth camp this week and will share a few devotions from others.   Todayā€™s is from Pastor Joe McKeever that I met several years ago.   He is an artist, leader and preacher.   I believe you will be blessed by some of his writing.   Todayā€™s original post can be found at THIS LINK . The coach walks up and down the sideline in front of his players. ā€œGet your heads up! All of you!  Take those stupid towels off your head!  Letā€™s show some courage around here!  The game is not over yet.  Youā€™re not defeated until you quit fighting.  Lift up your heads!  Look like champions!ā€ The disciples had returned from a trial run in which they had practiced preaching the gospel of Jesus.  Since the time would come when Jesus would be absent and they would be doing this ā€œfor real,ā€ the Lord wanted them to get a taste of what to expect. They returned sky high.  ā€œLord! It was wonderfu...