The last 5 or 6 weeks have been spent thinking a much and preparing for sermons under the title of LOVE WINS. There is so much more that I want to share from my conversations, from prayers and from my heart that is overflowing with the magnitude of how big and great Godās love is. Humanly speaking we cannot wrap our brains around how much God loves. Furthermore, we cannot explain sufficiently to anyone how His love works and how we are changed by it. What we can explain is how we have experienced God and His love. No one can refute our testimony and our experience. That is what we need to share with others. The older I get, the more I seek God, the more incredible His love grows to me and the more I realize that I do not understand or grasp how great it really is. I have shared with you several times some of the overflow of my study to preach. Today I share with you some lines from songs that give us a little picture of our Go...