When we deal correctly with lies, our own truth will change
quickly. But the choice is ours. What will we believe? What will we hold on to?
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my
Our heart, our beliefs
guide all we do. If we don’t believe
there are consequences to our actions, we will act differently. If we believe that there is some desired
outcome, we will respond differently. Our
actions and our words are living billboards, announcers if you will, of what we
believe in our hearts.
That is why we have to
make sure our words help make people better, lift up instead of tearing down
and demonstrate care and wisdom. Words
are intended to be used between people and to share thoughts, ideas and
desire. Yet when our words are full of poison
or negative, the results will not be what helps everyone.
Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification
according to the need of the moment,
so that it will give grace to those who hear.
So then we pursue the
things which make for peace and the building
up of one another.
The way we live shows
people either for are following God or something else. When our lives demonstrate what it is to honor
God, we will be able to guide others toward God. In fact when we deal with lies and live with
great character when accusations come they will be found false.
1 Peter 2:12 NIV
Live such
good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they
may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.
For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.
The way we judge others is
also an open door to our own heart, our motives and our chosen direction in
life. Are we seeking to help people or
to step on people so we can go further?
Many wise people have reminded us that the best way to find success is to
help others become successful. By not
judging others we begin to love and accept people helping them and us get
One last thought for us today comes wrapped up in a
man we know as John the Baptist. He was
a different kind of man. His parents
were told before he was born that his purpose was to point to God and the one
coming to change the world. It was John
who declared lies wrong and held on to the truth through preaching, guiding
people and preparing for Jesus’ arrival.
John 5:35 NIV
John was a
lamp that burned and gave light, and you chose for a time to enjoy his light.
That ought to be something
that is said of you and me. May our
lives be somewhat of a lamp that points to and shines on God above everything
else. We live for a short time. Let’s use our lives for what matters.
Let go of the lies and
hang on to the truth!
NOTE: our current series
at The Community Fellowship is called LIES, and this post is taken from part of
this past Sunday’s message titled “Lies We Tell”. Join us this coming Sunday morning for the
next sermon in this series, and please consider joining our currently push to
find 250 people who will give $100 toward the goal of $25,000 which will put a
new roof on the office building on our new/future campus. You can give online HERE (click vision fund). Thank you for allowing me to share with you!