All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the
heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.
Today’s devotion is one of those short ones where I
am going to take some time for personal privilege. There is much to be thankful for because we
are so blessed.
May 6, 1997 was a great day. I cried more tears maybe than any other day
in my life. Some people, like my mom,
thought something horrible had happened, but they were wrong. That was the day that our precious Rebecca
was born. Yes, that was 19 years ago
today. So, I want to tell her happy birthday
and remind the world that I have an incredible daughter. Finishing up her first year at Ferrum College and now a senior seeking a degree in accounting, and
this week she started her first full time job.
Rebecca, I am proud of you. Happy birthday, Becc Becc!
On to another special person as this coming Sunday is
Mother’s Day. 23 years ago was the
beginning of something brand new, exciting and one of the biggest blessings
ever. That is when I met Julie. In September we will have been married 23
years (that would be more years alive and together than years a part). Happy Mother’s Day to my sweet wife, helper
and best friend. I love you, Julie!
Finally, this is Mother’s Day, and as I said
yesterday is has been 7 months since my mom died. I miss her more every day. That doesn’t cast a shadow on Mother’s
Day. In fact it may be more like a spot
light reminding me and my brothers, as well as my dad, of just how blessed we
are. I look forward to the day I get to
be with her in heaven.
Spend some time this weekend making memories,
remembering memories and celebrating the blessings that God has brought in to
your life. There is more to come
especially when we acknowledge the goodness of God.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman
who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.