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Showing posts from November, 2016

in the Word of God

When we understand the Word of God, we get understanding about what we're going through. --- Robert Morris The story of a person that has been transformed by God has the power to do incredible things.  The best way to get to know God is to get to know His word, the Bible.  It is in the Bible that we find out what God says, we find wisdom for every day life, we find skills for success, we find moral truth, we find standards and we even find strength. Yet if we tried to list all the things that Godā€™s word does for us, we would be making that list for many hours, many days and honestly lots of weeks.  That is because the impact and effect of the word of God goes beyond what we, in our human thinking, can grasp or share with others. In the quote I began with Robert Morris told us how we can best understand the stuff we are going through.  I have for a long time heard and shared that ā€œit is hard to see the forest for the treesā€.  That means when we a...