will bless my people and their homes around my holy hill.
And in the proper season I will send the showers they need. There will be
showers of blessing.
Why the fuss? There are so many reasons for what we
do. In particular I am speaking about
our back2school outreach that will celebrate it’s 10th year in just a few
days. Why do we and all these other
churches go to the lengths we do to serve students? It is because we know that serving others is
always right.
A few things or thoughts I hold
tightly to that I’d like to share with you.
(None of these are original with me.)
Whoever shows up most in someone’s life wins the battle of influence. To find your purpose in life begin by serving
others. Real service with true love is
shown in serving someone who cannot serve you in return.
It makes me so excited to see
the new churches that have joined in this year.
Four of the nine churches are brand new.
Two of the nine locations have 5 or more churches working together. As a whole more than 20 churches are
partnering to serve at least 2,500 students through the 10th annual back2school
And it all starts this Saturday
with registration. Would you pray for
each family that will be touched with this year’s event? Will you share with others? Share with people in need in our area. Share with those who would like to help
sponsor this event that calls for a budget of more than $50,000 and goods that
have a retail value of more than $100,000.
Honestly, this makes my heart
race, and it is often pretty scary. Yet,
God comes through each and every time.
This Saturday in the first registration day we will get to look in to
the eyes of each of these students and share life and hope. It is going to be amazing.
4:19 NLT
this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his
glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
Thank you for joining in
through prayer. If you are close by,
please come out and help us. There’s
more to come!