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Showing posts from May, 2018

the real sure thing!

The following devotion was first shared in July of 2014 and remains true: I have heard people talk about a sure thing in many different forms.  Some use this term when it comes to gambling.  Others use it in reference to a relationship or the weather.  Seems to me that the biggest and best sure thing is faith built on someone stronger than we are.  That would be God.   There are some verses going through my mind that took a path to my heart.  Actually I was reading my Bible while waiting my turn at the DMV when I read Lamentations chapter 3.  I had read it before.   Yet this hit close to home and would not go away.  It really is a sure thing.  Godā€™s promises are sure, fool proof, strong and so much more.  Take a look:   LAMENTATIONS 3:22-26 NLT The faithful love of the lord never ends!  His mercies never cease.  Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.  I say to myself, ā€œThe lord ...

let the Word change you

Proverbs 1:33  NLT But all who listen to me will live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm. I sat in the back of the room.  Ears wide open.  Heart too. Listening not only to learn but to soak up wisdom from experience with Jesus and in the life of someone sold out to ministry.  My heart sank many times while I sat in the room. About 30 people around those three days.  I met one man who gave his life to constant service on a street most run to for the sin and fun, not for Christ and His salvation. He was known as the ā€œChaplain of Bourbon Streetā€.  His Given name was Bob Harrington.  This manā€™s story held my attention.  I was crying in hurt for him a bit and then celebrating the winds that only God would give. He walked away from God at one point. By the grace of God he came back and was reinstated to sharing the life giving truth of our gracious and generous God. Another ...

Memorial Day and remembering!

Through the years I have listened to many heroes tell stories of war, honor, serving the military and how proud they were to be part of a country that is free. Each stood in uniform at one time or another committed to ensuring your freedom and mine.   Remember that freedom is never free.  Someone had to pay a price.  Jesus paid for our salvation.  Brave men and women have served so that our country could remain strong and free.  In both cases, we are tremendously blessed. Who are some of the heroes you have walked with? I remember hearing my grandfather mention being in the U.S. Navy during World War II.  Another grandfather when I was born was serving in Vietnam in the U.S. Army.  My uncle who passed away recently was a U.S. Air Force jet pilot and trained other pilots up to his retirement.  Another is my cousinā€™s husband who was also a pilot and part of one of the elite flying groups of the Air...

freedom through Jesus

Yesterday was Memorial Day and the day our nation honors the people who lost their lives fighting for our countryā€™s freedom.  I ask that we take some more time today to think about our spiritual freedom. Jesus died for our salvation.  God knew that He had to close the gap between the people He loves and Himself.  That was not easy to cover because it cost Him what is most precious.  His son, Jesus. Romans 8:2 NASB For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has   set you   free   from the law of sin and of death. Sin has been dealt with through the gift of Jesus.  That would be the death of Jesus and the suffering that came from God having to turn His back on Jesus.  That freedom is something we cannot take lightly. John 8:36 NASB So if the Son makes you   free, you will be   free   indeed. Freedom can be described in all different kinds of ways....

my heart, Christ's home

A short time before I accepted Jesus as my Savior I read a small book called ā€œMy Heart, Christā€™s Homeā€.  It was about giving our lives to Jesus.  Through each room of the house this small book talked about how Christ desires to have our whole heart.  It spoke to me deeply, and not long after it gripping my heart Christ really did make his home in my heart. That is the promise of God, the truth of salvation. Like a small child when asked where Jesus is, I could say and fully believe that Jesus takes up residency in our lives forever. Our heart ought to beat for what is close to the heart of God because we are His children.  It will beat almost in rhythm with His as we come closer and closer to God. We get all of our Savior at salvation, but we become more and more like Jesus the closer we get to God.  That changes our hearts. Following is a post I wrote and shared over 10 years ago, and it remains true today....