Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them!
For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”
Just the facts. Hard to believe that we are about to celebrate the 11th year of the back2schooloutreach event that takes place across southern Virginia and beyond. Started by The Community Fellowship we have served more than 18,000 students. Our 2018 goal is to serve 4,000 students across our communities at the main event on August 4th.
Many churches, individuals and organizations have joined the effort to prepare students for a successful new school year. Every day I hear from more people who want to be a part and about new churches that have thrown their proverbial hat in the ring.
There is nothing like partnering together to impact so many with the hope that comes in huge loads from our great and mighty God. There are people at the 12 locations getting ready for Saturday’s registration day, the first registration for back2school 2018.
It takes lots of people, churches and businesses partnering to make this happen. But what is even more incredible is the impact that such a partnership creates. You’ve got to be part of this if you aren’t already. You can still give. You can still plan to serve. You can still help us get the word out. It costs $20 to sponsor one child. Students receive a backpack with various school supplies, brand new shoes and socks AND will have their feet washed by a volunteer who talks with the student about their hopes and dreams, hear a story about being great community members and about Jesus, and there will be other activities at each site.
Why do we do this? First, we want to help kids and their families. Second, we believe the church is to be engaged in outreach across our communities and across the world. Third, we heard God call us to such a work. Fourth and maybe the most important, when Christians and churches work together, the world sees in a united way that our God is good.
If you cannot tell, I am excited about this event and the change it will have on the lives of our thousands of people. I pray you are involved as well.
NOTE: your help is needed as volunteers, partners, financial support and as a champions of the back2school effort. Please contact us and let us know how you would like to be part of this incredible, life-changing event! Give at by clicking give online and choose back 2 school. Thank you for choosing to be part of back2school and this opportunity to share hope with students across our part of the world.
Here is a video that you can watch and share