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a day in the life

A day in the life, in my life.  I am not famous, but I do lead a rather fast passed life based on my desire to serve others.  Thus, I thought I would share some of the interactions from a day in my life.

Hebrews 10:25 NLT
And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

The day started with taking my favorite son to school.  It is a normal thing and praying with him is an important part of the start of our day.

I ran in to two of the great servants and handy men that I know. Kasim and Frankie spend lots of time, along with a few others, working on our new campus.  They crack me up and they pick on me.  I am OK with that.  Enjoyed a few minutes watching them tile a bathroom and hear their bantering.

A bit later I headed to an undisclosed location about 50 miles south of our town and met with a lady that oversees the production of a large company that supports our back2school outreach.  I unloaded about 7,000 towels used for washing studentā€™s feet.  Then, we talked about how to help our 2019 back2school outreach even stronger.  I am excited about this new partnership and the part they will play in helping us grow. By the way, the company is Cintas and their Greensboro, NC location.

I then trekked the 50 or so miles north to county and met with 7 of my favorite people that love serving race fans.  We ate, and we talked about plans for the next few months when thousands of people come to town to watch the race.  It will be a great season of serving for Raceway Ministry.

People who are going through recovery excite me and give me great joy. One of these people in our church asked to see me, and what an honor to hear their passion to help even more people who are battling through their recovery from drug addiction.  This ministry continues to get stronger in our church and in our community.  

For a few minutes I got to walk through some challenges at our church with a couple of our leaders.  I love the people that I get to serve with.  This lady and the man I talked with are highly skilled, loyal and wise. God has gifted them a great deal. Tough decisions and blessings will come from them.

A little later in the evening I met with a team of people working on the upcoming Winter Warming Center in our community.  These people have great passion about helping people, especially homeless friends.  We ate dinner.  We laughed and even shared a few donuts.  Thatā€™s a plus.  Then, we talked through the plans and needs to serve homeless friends when freezing weather hits our community.  These are great people!  The opportunities are great too.

I moved on to spend time with the oldest person in our church and my barber. He is 93 and has the steadiest hands I have ever seen.  That hour was relaxing, eye opening, encouraging and sweet.  We talked about a few things we have been praying together for over the last 3 or 4 years.  That was so great.

The day ended.  There were some other phone calls and interactions.  Lots going on and this was a very full day.  It actually ended with being able to serve someone who was hungry. Kind of like the proverbial icing on the cake.

I didnā€™t share all this to get you to say how busy I am or how talented. Honestly, I am unloading after a full day and unloading the joy I have for the prayers that God answered today. Feeding the hungry.  Championing a cause that is important.  Planning for great events.  Watching what God is doing in several different places is a big, big deal.

Make a difference!  If you cannot feed 100 people, feed 1 (thank you, Mother Teresa).

Colossians 1:6 NLT
This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about Godā€™s wonderful grace.


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