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Showing posts from December, 2018

end of the year GIVING

It is almost the end of the year, and there are many things to get done. Well, maybe that is just for some of us. We also have so much to be thankful for. God has shown up and shown off. As December 31st will be here in a few days I wanted to challenge you with an end of the year gift.  All donations that come in before the end of the day on Monday will be credited to your 2018 giving record. How can you give? THE CHURCH.  Our general fund is the best place to start and will help us get off to a great start in the New Year.   VISION FUND.  This is the completion of our new campus.  All of these gifts will be used to finish the building and set us up to serve more and stronger across our community and beyond. MISSION OFFERING.  This week we end our mission offering.  Once per year we ask people to help with mission causes.  100% of this offering will go toward our miss...

what is important?

We are there.  The New Year is days away.  In fact when this weekend is over we will be in to New Yearā€™s eve and only hours from 2019.  Are you ready? Our churchā€™s theme for 2019 is BE BOLD.  My prayers for this coming year include being bold and several more specific things, but what I want to draw your attention to is the fact that our priorities should be in place before we set our goals.  I am not talking about your New Yearā€™s resolutions because those usually donā€™t last.  I am talking about setting your priorities on a daily basis.  I am talking about the things that are vital to your living and the first things that come to your mind that are important to you. Here are a few things that ought to be our first things or important things: Joshua 24:15  NLT But if you   refuse   to   serve   the   Lord , then   choose   today whom you will   serve. W...

makes all things new

He does make all things new.  The Christmas holiday is a reminder of what new life brings.  New birth leads to life which leads to blessings and which led to Jesusā€™ death and even His resurrection.  That gave way or opened a way for our salvation. Something new comes from something that has to change.  Literally from death comes life. The New Year is only a few days away.  What is that God is doing in your life and in the path that He placed before you? There is a plan.  He gives each of us a purpose.  It is our choice to obey and follow. Isaiah 43:19   (NLT) For I am about to do something new.    See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?    I will make a pathway through the wilderness.    I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. Revelation 21:5   (NLT) And the one sitting on the throne said, ā€œLook, I am making everything new!ā€ And then he said...

kind at Christmas

The interaction with others at Christmas shouldnā€™t be much different, but often it is.  How can we justify being kind at one point of the year and avoiding or being selfish the rest of the year? That might be a tough question, but I believe it makes a lot of sense.   This is the time of year when people give more.  Some times that is because it is the end of the year.  It is the time of the year when we will sit with people at parties or dinners that we would not be seen with at other times. But these are the very people that God told us to win for His kingdom. This ought to be the time that we shine, but Christmas too should be the time that we simply practice what we do the rest of the year! Ephesians 4:32  NLT Instead, be   kind   to each other, tenderhearted,   forgiving   one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. Choose kindness.  God did.  For ou...

Christmas at The Community

Community family and friends - You are invited to celebrate the best gift of all, Jesus!  Join is at The Community Fellowship (2674 Virginia Ave, Collinsville, VA) this coming weekend.   Two great events.  Two opportunities for you, the family and for friends for us to invite to join us.   And by the way, people are more apt to accept an invitation to church during the Christmas season than any other time.  So ask! Christmas dinner & night of worship ... Saturday, December 22nd at 5pm Christmas eve/eve worship ... Sunday, December 23rd at 10:10am Please join us and bring others with you to both of these events.  Remember that God put us in place to  demonstrate the love of God to our community  and beyond.  I look forward to seeing you this weekend at The Community! With GOD as my guide, Pastor Michael Harrison -- James 1:5 *** for more information about The Community Fellowship or Dream Center call 276-647-8231 or email  ...

Stand in His love

It is almost Christmas.  It is only a few days away.  But some of the people around us see this as a time for being lonely and depressed.  There is a sense of loss and struggle for so many reasons. Yesterday I was listening to the radio and caught the words to a song by Josh Baldwin.  The song is ā€œStand In Your Loveā€, and here are a few of the words. When darkness tries to roll over my bones When sorrow tries to steal the joy I own  When brokenness and pain is all I know I won't be shaken, I won't be shaken (Cause) ā€¦ Shame no longer has a place to hide  I am not a captive to the lies  Not afraid to leave my past behind  I won't be shaken, I won't be shaken  (chorus)  Fear doesn't stand a chance  When I stand in Your love  Fear doesn't stand a chance  When I stand in Your love  Fear doesn't stand a chance  When I stand in Your love  Powerful.   Fear doesnā€™t s...