Pray for the ministry going on this weekend at Martinsville Speedway through Raceway Ministries. Our team will serve race fans in many different ways with the desire and plan to have conversations about Jesus. It is going to be a great weekend!
I just returned from a retreat, Johnny Hunt’s Timothy+Barnabas Pastor’s and Wives event. #nambtb19 It was awesome. Lots of take always and encouragement. So, I thought I would share some random quotes. Read and enjoy:
When you give, you make a difference. When you don’t give, it makes a difference. JH
Be people of the book. People want to hear what the Bible says. JH
As long as you’re physically able pray on your knees. Charles Stanley
85% of the people converted in your church will come because they were invited to church. unknown
God forbid that I am more concerned over getting butts in the seats rather than their soul in to heaven. JH
America is the fourth largest lost nation in the world. unknown
I believe God can do more in a moment than you can do in a lifetime. Ronnie Floyd
If we go after (serve and share the Gospel with) those on God’s heart, God will begin to use those who are on our heart. Nick Floyd
Jesus stands ready and willing to move on behalf of those who cry out to Him. Nick Floyd
Where Jesus sees you in the private place is when God will begin to bless you in the public place. Ronnie Floyd
God’s will is not up for negotiation. RF
God chose to raise David up not based on his talent, his intellect or his passion but because he was a man after God’s own heart. RF
Satan will do all he can to distract you from prayer. RF
Your faith will never exceed your belief in the Bible. RF
You are never more like Jesus than when you are giving. Johnny Hunt
Sometimes a no from God is not a denial but a delay. JH
You cannot win a victory without a battle. JH
You do not have the luxury of being unkind. Jerry Vines
First you control your habits. Then your habits control you. Charles Lowery
Don’t compare your facts to yours someone else’s fantasy. CL
I was blown away by the transformation after partnering with the master (taken from a story of an average dancer working with a master dancer; the same is true with our spiritual life). When you partner with the master, you will be transformed. CL
Those are some powerful truths that I am still rolling around in my head and heart. Have a great weekend!