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Showing posts from May, 2019

notice the good

How often do we not recognize where our good comes from? In fact I would say when things are good we get comfortable and often miss the great things going on around us. More than likely it is not until things are not going good and life gets hard that we start to see the struggle, recognize the good is gone and pray to God for help.  That shouldnā€™t be the case. We are blessed people, and God is for us.  The Bible is very clear about that fact.  So, I want to suggest that we take to heart some Bible verses, maybe memorize them, about Godā€™s strength and the good that is often found in our lives.  Several of these have crossed my mind through this week, and that is why I share them with you. Notice the pattern of strength.  Notice the direction of where things or blessings come from always. Exodus 15:2  NLT The   Lord   is my   strength   and my song; he has given me victory. This is ...

Jesus' mission

A mission statement is something that directs a business or a person that seeks to understand the purpose God gave or why they exist.  Knowing why we are alive makes a huge difference in us making a difference in this world. When we get off course from our mission statement, all of a sudden, weā€™re not doing what our company was created to do. It defines the basics and essentials. For example,  Jesus had a mission statement:  Luke 19:10 NASB For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. What drives you?  We know what drove Jesus.  We know why He died and the reason why He lives again and forever. May we know His mission and even take it as ours. What drives you for the kingdom?  Joshua was one of those guys who knew that God had a plan for Him.  To take on the mission God had for him.  That would take loads of courage and even a little risk Joshua 1:8-9...

mission trips this summer

Please join us in praying, giving and going or helping with mission trips this summer.  Each trip is listed and the contact person is listed as well.  Call the church at 276-647-8231 or email for more details.  Pray for each trip and each person involved.   MISSION TRIPS this summerā€¦ May 26-31, Men On Mission, building a church in eastern North Carolina (see Kasim Adams) June 16-21, SC team with us at new campus and around community (see Kasim or Cindy Adams)  There will be a worship service and meal at the new campus on Sunday, June 16th at 6pm June 25-July 1, CUBA trip (see Pastor Michael) July 23-25, Team at New Campus (see Kasim Adams) help with meals or come and serve with the team  July 28-Aug 3, SC back2school team here (see Pastor Michael or Katie Whitlow) August 10 in Welborn SC and Hurst TX (see Katie Whitlow for details)   we are called to  demonstrate the love of God to our community  through acts of kindness and serving with no strings attached so that ...

thank you Veterans

Psalm 112:9  NLT They share freely and give generously to   those   in need. Their good deeds will be remembered forever. They will have influence and   honor. Today is Memorial Day in the United States.  We are so blessed. We are blessed because of the land and country God has given us.  It is true that we can worship God and live good lives because of what God has done and how many have given, served and shared their lives for us. This is the day we choose to honor those who have served in our military to provide our safety and friend.  Many have fought in wars and in conflicts.  Many served in times known as peace.  But all gave their time, effort and even part of their lives so we could enjoy the freedom that we have. Stop today to thank a veteran.  Acknowledge those who have served. Both my grandfathers served.  One was in the Navy in World War II.  Ano...


Romans 10:1  NLT Dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart and my   prayer to God is for the people of Israel to be   saved. In the past week you have noticed that we have talked about our concern for people who do not follow Jesus.  That is a big deal and not only what our current series, Whoā€™s Your One?, is all about. I spoke with a lady yesterday that asked me not to pray for her.  It was evident in the way she responded to me that her belief in God was minimal.  She wasnā€™t even able to grasp why I believe in God. Pray for her. I believe that God longs for people to come to know and follow Him.  We ought to be concerned about those who do now know Him.  Heaven is real and so is hell.  Do we care where people will be spending eternity? Godā€™s heart longs for people to come to know Him. So should ours. 2 Peter 3:9  NASB The   Lord   is  ...

the 1 who needs Jesus

This new series of our, Whoā€™s Your One?, is an opportunity to help us understand how to follow Jesus and to focus on another person who needs to know Jesus. Join in by praying and asking God to put that person on your heart that he wants you to focus on. You can go to to get more info and to connect with the series.  We will continue this in the coming weeks on Sunday at The Community Fellowship.  Our desire is to see God change lives as people connect with Him.  We focus on serving many, but we are praying for one! A disciple is a follower, but most people say they are Christian often without any evidence in their lives that they are His follower.  That is why we need to understand what a disciple is. Following Jesus means you subject everything in your life to His lordship. You forsake all that He has forbidden and pursue all that He has prescribed. Just like He was a fisher of men, His followers would become...