This new series of our, Who’s Your One?, is an opportunity to help us understand how to follow Jesus and to focus on another person who needs to know Jesus. Join in by praying and asking God to put that person on your heart that he wants you to focus on.
You can go to to get more info and to connect with the series. We will continue this in the coming weeks on Sunday at The Community Fellowship. Our desire is to see God change lives as people connect with Him. We focus on serving many, but we are praying for one!
A disciple is a follower, but most people say they are Christian often without any evidence in their lives that they are His follower. That is why we need to understand what a disciple is.
Following Jesus means you subject everything in your life to His lordship. You forsake all that He has forbidden and pursue all that He has prescribed. Just like He was a fisher of men, His followers would become fishers of men. This is an essential part of being a disciple. It’s not something that only a few of us do; it’s something that each of us does. There is no such thing as a non-reproducing Christian.
If this is not something you do, then are you really his disciple?
How do you prove you are a disciple? By bearing fruit. And if you are not bearing fruit, you have reason to question whether you are a disciple at all.
John 15:8, NASB
My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and soprove to be My disciples.
If you are not reproducing yourself in others for Jesus, then you are not a disciple. We reproduce ourselves by living for Jesus and sharing Him with others. This is simple. You don’t have to preach or share the same thing every time, but we need to share our faith. Jesus tells His disciples how to bear fruit in His famous Great Commission:
Matthew 28:19-20, NASB
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
In Greek, the words go, baptize and teach are all participles that derive their force from the one controlling verb, make disciples. Which means that everything we do grows out of the call to make disciples.
The core is to MAKE DISCIPLES. All has to grow out of this! Why we serve is to teach people about Jesus, to show His love and help people begin to follow Jesus!
Join in making disciples. We do this just by living by faith and sharing our faith with one person at a time. Who is your one?