For he fought for you and risked his life when he rescued you from the Midianites.
That verse referred to Gideon. That guy had an encounter with God that led him on adventures that were pretty awesome. He didn’t think so at first, but then Gideon did what God led him to do. He found victory in a way that the world might say he should have failed.
The quoted verse above asks the question of others. It asks, “did you honor this man?” Why honor him? Because of the risk he took he should be greatly honored.
I like some risk. Not all risk do I like. But adventure is a big deal and can take us in directions that are fresh and new and even making our heart race.
Like shark week. On the Discovery channel this is what they call “shark week”, and it is something my family has watched for several years. They are cool animals, and the video footage is really amazing. Those people are on an adventure to say the least.
Our work with back2school is somewhat of an adventure. It has grown to a place where I cannot put my hands around it all. That is why I shared yesterday that we must celebrate people. Celebrate those that are going on the adventure with you and maybe even beyond.
Are you risking anything for the good of others or in relation to God’s call on your life? We ought to be on an adventure with God. Something like a faith adventure where lives are touched and changed.
Pray for back2school. Pray that our stretching is used by God to help many students and their families see God.
Several weeks ago I shared a message at The Community, based on our back2school theme of “Love More” that we should create space where people have the opportunity to meet or see or encounter God. My prayer is that hope will be something like a kite. It will sail high, be seen by many and enjoyed by all.
Let’s continue on this faith adventure, take some risk and help others see our great and mighty God. It is an adventure!