Psalm 133 NLT
How wonderful and pleasant it iswhen brothers live together in harmony!2 For harmony is as precious as the anointing oilthat was poured over Aaron’s head,that ran down his beardand onto the border of his robe.3 Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermonthat falls on the mountains of Zion. And there the Lord has pronounced his blessing,even life everlasting.
One week ago Sunday our team sat at the New Jerusalem Baptist Church in Havana, Cuba as the pastor brought a powerful message from Psalm 133. It was the church’s final message in a series about family.
As you most likely know everything in the service was in Spanish. The music was in Spanish. The Scripture reading, testimony, preaching and all was in Spanish. Our interpreter William would share parts of what was going on with us, but we only got bits and pieces.
But it was still powerful to me as the Spirit of God brought understanding to me. During the service the pastor’s wife, also the church’s worship leader, brought her family around her and shared a testimony of God’s love and their commitment to one another. The service ended with all the men in service being brought to the front of the sanctuary to be prayed for as men and leaders of their home.
The message began, and I had taken a new Bible with me that is connected to an application on my iPhone with notes from Scripture. This one was deep. Checkout the verses again as you read through them.
Thoughts of harmony and unity are huge and needed by all. When we live in unity, our homes and families are much stronger! Unity becomes like anointing oil. It is not just any oil but one that has spread over the man of who seeks the Lord and leads others. The final verse talked about unity being like the fresh dew coming down from a mountain.
That mountain as history and geography tells us has snow on top of it. The wind and weather bring a cool refreshing dew that helps all around.
I was touched big time by the message even though I couldn’t understand all the pastor shared. God shared much with me and with my heart. I am still taking in those pieces and hope that today as you read through these verses that you will let harmony and what God sends to refresh and encourage you!