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Showing posts from September, 2019

power of God

Our current series at The Community Fellowship is PRAY.  What stands out to me most is the fact that prayer opens a door for many, provides connection to God and allows Godā€™s power to be put on display.  We have seen God more, and we are expecting more. There is power in prayer.  Praying brings us to experience the almighty in fresh ways.  Look to Him for all you need. Psalm 121  NLT   I look up to the mountains ā€”   does my help come from there?    2 My help comes from the   Lord ,   who made heaven and earth!   3 He will not let you stumble;   the one who watches over you will not slumber.    4 Indeed, he who watches over Israel   never slumbers or sleeps.    5 The   Lord   himself watches over you!    The   Lord   stands beside you as your protective shade.    6 The sun will not harm you by day...

connect the dots

Ephesians 2:20  NLT Together , we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself. Connect the dots, have you ever played that game?  I remember as a child being given a piece of paper, either to keep me quiet or to prove a point, and asked me to connect the dots.  Before too long it was evident that the dots formed a picture.  It was pretty cool. Yesterday I saw the dots once again.  It is still pretty cool. Early this week I sent a text message to a friend who does ministry in Cuba.  Only a few minutes later he called me.  My friend shared a need that a mission team leaving this weekend was going to meet but was running low on supplies.  That leads to yesterday.  I met a friend, half way to Charlotte, NC, and gave her three boxes, one plastic tote and a bag.  Inside those were baby clothes, bottles, m...

respond in prayer

Matthew 5:23-24   NASB Therefore if you are   presenting your   offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you,   24  leave your   offering there before the altar and go; first be   reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your   offering. Our response to our time with God is a big deal.  Prayer is our connection to God, and prayer has several components.  It has speaking and listening.  It has thinking and responding.  And there is more. The verses above speak to us about our response.  This thing we call prayer isnā€™t a one-way deal that gets us out of trouble.  It is a two way conversation that takes us from whatever was our past to the places God wants for our future. Respond to what God says in prayer.  If that means ask forgiveness, then ask.  If that means go have a conversation, go t...

The Circle Maker

The following is from Mark Battersonā€™s book  The Circle Maker .  Our menā€™s group is reading this today and some of this stuck out to me.  That is why I am sharing it with you today.  Read onā€¦ This pattern of last-second provision is repeated throughout Scripture, and I think it reveals Godā€™s playful personality.  Sometimes we are so focus on the character of God that we forget that God has a personality too.  He loves hiding around corners and surprising us.  You cannot convince me that Jesus didnā€™t have fun sneaking up on the disciples in the middle of the night in the middle of the lake by walking on water.  You canā€™t convince me that God didnā€™t enjoy the befuddled look on Mosesā€™ face when he heard the talking bush.  As I read Scripture, I can come to no other conclusion than this: God loves showing up in unexpected ways at unexpected times.   I love this part of Godā€™s personalit...

prayer and relationships

Prayer is what connects us to God.  Prayer is what connects us to relationships, and that is what I suggest is the cure for relationship problems.  Prayer and connecting with others! Proverbs 27:17   NASB Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another. Relationships make us stronger and better.  God knew this and told us this early in the Bible. James 5:16  NASB Therefore, confess your sins to   one   another, and   pray   for   one   another   so that you may be healed. The effective   prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. Pray for each other. I suggest that also means pray with each other.  Why is that? Prayer makes stuff happen.  Prayer crosses lines that nothing else does. Prayer really is an intimate relationship, a connection that God has given us. What we believe about God is made evident in our prayers.  Our motiv...