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Showing posts from October, 2019

free medical and dental clinic

change your clocks

Don't forget to change your clocks this Saturday night before you go to bed. FALL BACK 1 hour. Pass the word. Big Sunday ahead as we celebrate BAPTISM and changed lives. Join us at 10:10am! ***** For more info about The Community Fellowship or Dream Center call 276-647-8231 or email .  Please consider giving online by going to and click "give online".  *****

promises, promises

We need the promises to stick.  It is like those things that we could on, and when they donā€™t happen, our attitude is shot and maybe even our budget is gone, too.  Be careful what promises you believe. If you walk through the Bible (I mean read through), you will find on almost every page and through every book promises that God has given His children.  Claim them.  Learn from them.  Share them with others.  This might be the day that one of them comes through. Like I shared earlier this week in the next level post when we write down our prayers we might see ourselves closer to God and seeing more of what God is doing.  That is just the reason I walked through Philippians 4.  Watch just a few of the promises God has for you and for me. (all verses are from the NLT translation of the Bible) 6-7  Donā€™t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and th...

baptism this Sunday

This Sunday is BAPTISM. We are ready to celebrate at  The Community Fellowship , and there is still room for more people to go through baptism. Let us know if you want to be a part. Come and celebrate with us. Sunday morning at 10:10am.  Call the church at 276-647-8231 or email pastor Michael at

Jesus loves me

1 John 4:9    NLT God   showed how much he   loved   us   by   sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. There are many things that point to how much God loves us, but so many things keep us from seeing Godā€™s goodness, His grace and how much He loves us.    How can we overcome what blocks our view? Spend some time today focusing on Godā€™s love of you.    The facts of His loved are laced through Scripture.    His love is also one of those truths that the Holy Spirit inside the children of God reminds us of very often.    By focusing on Godā€™s love we will see it more and even come to believe it more.    Like the old adage ā€˜garbage in and garbage outā€™ by taking in the truth of Godā€™s love we will allow the facts to process from our mind and deeper in to our hearts.    By knowing who we are, Godā€™s children, and what is true about us...

write it down

Write it down.  That might be what the next level looks like for you. When you are an athlete, the next level might be running an extra mile, swimming another 2 lengths of the pool or lifting a few more reps.  For a salesperson the next level might be a few more calls or making that big deal that has been on your mind. In our prayers there is also a next level.  God desires our times and so wants to bless His children.  Our series on prayer ended this weekend at The Community Fellowship, and I challenged our church to go to the next level. My suggestion of the next level for our prayers is the use of a notebook for prayer lists and to write down our prayers.  Have you ever noticed that what you write down you remember longer?  When we do something different, something different will happen. Get a notebook.  We gave out spiral notebooks and have plenty left if you would like one.  Come by ...

quotes on prayer

Prayer is often one of those things that is the first to go.  It is the first place we disconnect from God.  That shouldnā€™t be.  Too often it is the depth of the valley or the end of our rope or the bottom of the barrel that reminds us to pray.  When all along our prayer lives should be alone and well, in good and bad times, when the sun is shining or when the clouds of darkness are hemming us in.  What does prayer do to us, for us, through us and all around us? Prayer does a lot.  We should be claiming the reality that the connection we have with God is f utmost importance. Listen in to what these people have to say about prayer: "Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference." - Max Lucado Prayer is the most concrete way to make our home in God. - Henri Nouwen "Is prayer you...

ministry at the speedway

It was 18 years ago that I first had the opportunity to serve with the Raceway Ministries team in Martinsville, and it is has been an incredible time.    Since then I have had the honor of serving on the national Raceway Ministries board and helping our group grow in various ways.    It really is an honor to share Jesus with race fans at the speedway. This stuff happens at racetracks all around the world.    I mean there are men and women around the world volunteering their time to serve in the racing community.    They offer worship services, counseling, sharing refreshments and much more.    I have met so many people that are committed to making a difference in a place where few others will step.    In Martinsville our team offers several different things, and it is a blessing to be able to work along side the employees of Martinsville Speedway.    Sunday morning before the race this weekend there will b...

conversations we have

The way we communicate with people is a big deal.   Life is not about you.  Many people we encounter on a daily basis live a very selfish life.  You can tell these folks because the conversation centers around them as does most life. Further, life is meant to be one of kindness.  There are many people that we will meet that have a mouth that sounds like it is from the garbage dump.  Might be lots of filth or just a little here and there. This week has been one of those where both of these have been evident in conversations around me.  It grieves my heart because my desire is to draw people to God.  I am not saying we have to be pure and perfect.  I am saying we need to be good examples and choose to be kind. Let me give us a few Scriptures to think about as we choose the words and the conversations that we choose to take part in.  This really is a big deal for those of us who ch...