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faith and works

I have been preached through the book of James for the last few months.  We are moving slowly through the verses and seeking God for understanding.  It is an amazing book with huge insight.

My life verse is James 1:5 which reminds us to ask God for wisdom.  The theme of the book, and verses I learned as a teenager, are James 1:2-4 that reminds us to choose joy in the middle of trials always sticks out to me.  The first chapter ends with verse 27 telling us about the best ministry is to those who cannot repay when we serve them, speaking of orphans and widows.

Yesterdayā€™s message is one of the tough ones because for centuries people have been arguing that James speaks up that works are a part of salvation in contrast to what the Apostle Paul talks about with being saved only coming through faith. It is a tough passage at the end of chapter 2, but getting a good understanding is a big help to living by faith!

James 2:15-17,26  NLT
Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, ā€œGood-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat wellā€ā€”but then you donā€™t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do? So you see, faith by itself isnā€™t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and uselessā€¦ Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works.

Does our salvation hinge on the accumulation of doing good things, or is it totally reliant on the finished work of Jesus?  I believe it is all about Jesus.  He is the start and the finish of salvation.  There is nothing I can do to save myself or anyone else.

But our faith ought to change us.  It changes our thinking and our believing.  It changes our speaking and our doing.  If we truly know Jesus, we will do good to others as we serve God and follow Jesus.

Faith works.  It is not faith plus works.  It is faith based on works.  It is faith that produces in our lives works.  Deeds that share with others that God is good, God is love, and God is life and light and salvation.

Do our lives point to Jesus?  Have we been changed by God?

Matthew 5:16  NASB
Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

Join me at church again next week for more from the book of James.  Have a great week!

NOTE: TODAY from 9 till 2 there is a food box give away at the church as well as at the Henry County Food Pantry in Bassett, Rich Acres Christian Church, Moral Hill Missionary Baptist Church in Axton, Salvation Army and Grace Network.  Please pass the word!


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