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meet a need today

1 John 3:17  NASB
But whoever has the world’s goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?

Things sure are different these days.  Some people are at home and not working while others work a modified schedule or even work more.  Restaurants are closed for everything other than pick up.  Many businesses are closed.  So many people are struggling.  That hurts my heart.

I continue to hear stories of people who are in difficult situations.  There are business owners having a hard time with the small business loans and not getting any assistance, and then there are those who have gotten help or their business is still strong.  That also hurts my heart.

Honestly, the biggest piece that hurts my heart are the people who fall through the cracks and cannot get help.  Yes and most of the time their story has many more parts to it.  If things were normal, they could go through the proper channels and organizations to get the help they need.  But during a pandemic things are different.

I mean the call from a local organization about an elderly person who needs utilities turned on and cannot get what is needed.  Thank God for caring people willing to help.  I mean the call from a local jail about another elderly man that will be homeless, and the situation has few answers.  I am talking about the family with several children who had meals delivered to them by the school that continues to struggle since meals are now pick up only.

Get up and do something about it.  If you see a need, fill the need.  If you see someone hurting, don’t expect someone else to meet it.  You and I have been blessed by God to help others.  This is a time to do just that. Meet needs.

Listening in to an online meeting for pastors yesterday that was much talk about the many people who are doing something to serve others.  We talked about neighbors in need and other neighbors going the extra mile to see that needs are met and smiles are given, since we are practicing social distancing.

I challenge you today.  Go meet a need.  It might be a phone call or a text.  It might be a trip to the store to get some items.  It might be donating food to a local food bank.  It might be calling the church to see how you can help.  It might be going next door and mowing the grass.  It might be picking up trash.  It might be stopping what you are doing, turning off the game or the TV and spending time in prayer.

Do something. Meet a need today!

Titus 3:14  NASB
Our people must also learn to engage in good deeds to meet pressing needs, so that they will not be unfruitful.

When all of this is over, may our churches be known as the people who care and serve and give hope.  Meet someone’s need today!

NOTE: The Community Fellowship will have a Drive-In service this Sunday at 10:10am as well as be on Facebook Live.  Monday from 9 till 2 there is a food box give away at the church as well as at the Henry County Food Pantry in Bassett, Rich Acres Christian Church, Moral Hill Missionary Baptist Church in Axton, Salvation Army and Grace Network.  Please pass the word!


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