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some of my tools

2 Corinthians 9:10  NASB
For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you.

Over the last few weeks with all the differences we are dealing with our family has tried some things that are new for us.  Family meals arenā€™t new, but we have done many of those.  We have also had some game nights.  Those are new.

One Fridays, since I am working most other days, we have taken on a few projects.  One week we cleaned out the closet in our carport.  It looks a lot better, and that closet gets cleaned out every couple years.  The week before my wife cleaned out the laundry room which really means we have more room for extra stuff.  Last Friday we conquered the shed in our backyard.  It hadnā€™t been cleaned out since we moved in almost 13 years ago.  It looks great, but we need a new shed.

I continued the process one afternoon this week when I was looking for a hook to hang a bird feeder on in front of the house.  The drawers where I keep my tools was the projects.  It took only a few minutes to empty, organize and put the various tools back in the two drawers.  They look better.

But as I finished this project I realized there are a few tools that I didnā€™t know I had and a few tools that havenā€™t been seen in a long time.  That led my mind on a short journey.  What are the tools I use on a daily basis that help me in a big way?

Thanks for asking.  I mean, thanks for asking me to tell you about the tools I use that make life a little easier.

The first is most likely my phone.  I am a loyal Apple guy, and my iPhone is a good tool.  I move on.

A calendar with reminders and alarms means a lot.  This keeps me on task and not forgetting things.  I am grateful for the various ways that my calendar does to help me with tasks and events and important happenings.

Another important tool is my truck.  In the past few weeks I have picked up supplies for church, taken a few people to various projects, hauled food for our ministry, picked up donations, and taken the family on a drive or two.  Most importantly my truck knows where to pick up food at the restaurants that have take out or curb side service.

My favorite tool is an app on my iPhone.  It is the You Version app also known at the Bible app that can be found at  This is where I read and often study.  Our family devotions are found in this Bible.  I can search the Bible when I have questions or when conversations come up about different topics.  This app is a great tool for anyone wanting to follow Jesus, learn about God and to share His word with others.

There you have just a few tools that I use each week.  Have a great rest of the week, and may God give you things that you accomplish your goals.

Hebrews 4:12  NASB
For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

NOTE: The Community Fellowship will have a Drive-In service this Sunday at 10:10am as well as be on Facebook Live.  Monday from 9 till 2 there is a food box give away at the church as well as at the Henry County Food Pantry in Bassett, Rich Acres Christian Church, Moral Hill Missionary Baptist Church in Axton, Salvation Army and Grace Network.  Please pass the word!


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