I am preaching through our church’s core values, and yesterday we talked about creativity. I challenged our church to be creative with how we share the Gospel. We ought to share the most important thing we have with others. Share what is eternal and stop worrying about things that are temporary.
Paul went to great lengths to see that he did not miss what was in his heart and his calling. He was an “all in” kind of guy. There was no way to be half way or casual about this stuff. He meant business with God and knew that what was entrusted to him was a big deal.
Every day we are distracted the various things happening around us. Whether it is news or politics or the coronavirus, the happenings of the present day are being used to kick us off center, to remove the main thing, to keep us from sharing what really matters. God has changed our lives, and He will change others.
Honestly, I believe we have pushed the main thing to the proverbial back burner in America today. Not just today but for a long time. It is imperative that we understand the gravity of salvation and the Gospel. This is the reason why the church exists and we are alive. We must do all we can share the love God with others.
1 Corinthians 9:23 NLT
I do everything to spread the Good News and share in its blessings.
Here is where creativity comes in to view for us. What will we do so that others will come to know God as we know God? Think about it. Don’t stay where you are or as you any longer.
People need Jesus. You and I are the ones God has chosen to share this message with others.