John 10:10 NASB
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
That is a verse we quote at church a lot. There are other verses that stick out and are shared, too. Like Jeremiah 29:11 and God knows there is more for us. Another is John 3:16 that God loved all the world. Then there is Psalm 23 with the Lord as our shepherd. Over and over there are other verses that stick out.
But for me the verse above, John 10:10, has become a lighthouse helping me remember and know that our God is a giver and not a taker. He is set on abundance for me and for those who follow Him.
I like the thought of abundance and His awesome plan for our lives. I am ready to focus on what God will do as I seek to follow Him and help others do the same.
Matthew 25:29 NLT
To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.
Is there a way to choose abundance rather than lacking? This verse describes what that looks like.
Use what you have in the way it is intended. Things or resources aren’t meant to be ratholed or hoarded. We need to use them well, save some, share some and more forward with life. Do nothing and things will waste away.
Life is a lot like that. Use it well and things grow. Don’t use your life well and it will waste away.
John 1:16 NLT
From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another.
God has chosen abundance for us. What gets in the way of us having just that? Sin gets in the way. Selfishness gets in the way. Living without looking to others and without sharing gets in the way.
Choose abundance. That is God’s gift. The enemy gives or takes leading to death. But God brings more life and abundant life. The choice is easy.