Make some choices that count. Think through the things that you hang on to and how those will impact your life tomorrow or next month. That is because our choices will impact our lives and the lives of those around us. We don’t always choose that perspective or the one that will have the greatest influence. Too often we choose what feels good or what is fine. Only to find that the consequences of our choices have led to pain between friends, impact on our health or something that cannot be reversed. Find the things that bring life and health, strength and peace, smiles and closeness to your life and to others. Those choices will have impact for a long time in great ways that will leave you much better. What are those choices for you! Ephesians 4:32 NLT Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. Choose kindness and forgiveness over being mean or becoming bitter Romans 12:14...