We are blessed with great partners. People are blessings. That is one reason why this week we have a mission team helping at our new campus from South Carolina. They are awesome.
In fact the leader of this team, Pastor David Moore, has brought more teams and help than any other. I want to say THANK YOU and ask you to pray for David and his church, Pacolet First Baptist.
It doesn’t end there. Also with us for a day has been a pastor and youth pastor from a church that was here early in the summer and who are planning to serve an apartment community in December. These guys, Michael and Ethan, bless me big time. They are from Mount Pleasant Baptist in Spartanburg, South Carolina.
Then I get a text from a great friend who shows up to work for a day and a half with us. Jim is a chaplain at South Boston Speedway and lives near Waynesboro, Virginia. He showed up, climbed on a scissor lift, and began working with the team.
These people PLUS several from our church are getting it done this week. I am grateful for our church family that is helping preparing meals, some who attended Sunday night’s worship and meal all from The Community Fellowship. We have several working with the team too. We cannot do what we do alone.
Another part of this mission team is serving at the Henry County Food Pantry in Bassett. They are one of our local partners. I love seeing these partnerships grow.
Why do I share this? Thanks for asking.
It takes all of us. Our new campus will be complete only as we work together and trust God. Our partnerships to serve our community and beyond are so much stronger as we work together pointing people to Jesus!
Partnership is important. Would you partner with us?
Maybe to help with the new campus. Maybe to help feed and clothe some people. Maybe to help those who are homeless. Maybe to provide funds or donate needed items. It takes all of us. And God will use you and others for His glory!
Colossians 1:28-29 NLT
“So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ. That’s why I work and struggle so hard, depending on Christ’s mighty power that works within me.”