We have just come through the thanksgiving holiday and are headed in to the Christmas season. Friday was the largest shopping day of the year. Saturday was small business day in our towns, and Monday is cyber Monday. Yet there is a day we might miss.
It is tomorrow. Tomorrow is called Giving Tuesday. Many non profit organizations have a special push and request for donations. This is something that I see a lot of through the work that we do. It is also the season of giving, Christmas time is, as people are often ready to serve others.
I want to encourage you to serve and give in an area close to my heart. There are many organizations close to me and that we give to, but I ask specifically that you will join me for #GivingTuesday to help The Community Dream Center which is our organization to help those who are homeless.
We have two transitional homes for men who are seeking to get on their feet and out of homelessness. It costs about $10 per night for someone to stay in one of these homes. We have seen many begin to work, save money and prepare to be self sustaining as well as work on the things in their lives that keeps them in difficult spots. That would cover their spiritual lives, dealing with addiction, mental health and so much more.
We are also assisting with running the warming center in our community that is open each night that temperatures are 35 or below. Homeless friends are offered a warm place to stay, an evening and morning meal, transportation to and from the center as well as support to make better decisions.
Would you be willing to give? You gift would allow us to serve better and stronger. Your gift would help homeless men find hope and to become stronger men in many areas.
You can give by making a gift to The Community Dream Center. Mail checks to PO Box 388, Collinsville, 24078 or dropping them at the church. You can also give online at https://tcf.ccbchurch.com/goto/giving and choose The Community Dream Center in the drop down menu.
Thank you ahead of time for your support and your gift. All donations are tax deductible. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Why do we do this and work with those who are in poverty? That is a great question, and it is my heart and calling to do what we find in God’s word.
Proverbs 31:8-9 NLT
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. 9 Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.