This will be the only e-devotion for this week and the last week of 2021. I am writing with the intent on looking back and learning from this year as well as looking forward with joy and determination to a new year full of possibilities. Three words come to mind in this reflection and time of planning. I pray they will give you some what of a guide. REMEMBER. REPENT. REDEEM. Remember what is in the past, but leave things in the past. They are to be points of learning and event some what of a trampoline to help you move to the next place. I am excited about the future, yet it really is the things of the past year, and further back, that have set the stage for what is ahead. God called me to Himself first. I long for a deeper relationship with Him. God gave me a passion to serve Him and others. Throughout my life there have been spiritual markers, as Henry Blackaby called them, that line my life and even set me up for more. I long for...