The title of our current series is reBuilding and a walk through the book of Nehemiah, and I would like to remind us of who we are and who our God is. Nehemiah shows up to rebuild Jerusalem the city. Not just the walls and gates but the people and the population. He rebuilds its infrastructure as everything lays in ruins, yet God has a plan.
When we think it is all over, God still has a plan. When our lives or our families have ended up in devastation, God still has a plan. When we see people hurting and no possibility for the future, God still has a plan, and that plan includes you and me.
In the middle of our struggle or the storm where do we find God? The truth is, God has found us. He finds us all the time. He never has given up on His people. Jerusalem is yet another example of Godās unending, enduring and excellent love that we have so much to learn from.
In the middle of the story (several chapters of Nehemiah) we are reminded of how God worked and the miracles that happen. We need to remember how we dedicate ourselves to God and praise Him for His blessings.
Psalm 86:11 NLT
Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you.
Ask God to teach you. It will change you and those around you. He does that today just like He did in Nehemiahās day
Psalm 30:1 NLT
I will exalt you, Lord, for you rescued me. You refused to let my enemies triumph over me.
He has rescued us, and because of what He has done, I will lift up and praise His name. Confess the truth and rededicate yourself to God. He is one who loves us, cares for us and makes us stronger than ever!
Psalm 63:7 NASB
For You have been my help, And in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy.