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my dad was consistent

As I was preparing for the Sunday morning sermon something hit me pretty hard.  We are in a series titled PRE-DECIDE, and the message was about the power and character trait of being consistent.  

What hit me was that my dad is a great example of being consistent.  This past couple weeks has been a whirlwind of emotions.  Fact is there is more to come in so many ways.  Some of this I do not look forward to while other parts are very comforting and helpful.

Consistency has great potential not only to impact the direction of my life but for the lives of the people I influence.  It is the key to our spiritual strength.  It is the key to your ministry Impact.  I have learned personally and see in others that this quality is the key to your physical health, key to great Relationships, to financial success and even the key to accomplishing goals. 

It is not about our appearance or background or even our Education.  Itā€™s our choice to be consistent that will impact our entire life and so much more

This character trait has more potential than you could ever imagine.  Maybe you are thinking, as I and many others have, that youā€™ve already lost and you canā€™t win.  So many of us are incredibly inconsistent.  We are wishy washy with what we eat, with how we read the Bible or in our prayers, in getting in some exercise or even with being on time.  But the truth is our God honors us as we honor Him.

God will help us when we choose to be consistent.  He has always been consistent in how He loves us and guides.  I love what I heard in a message this weekendā€¦ God doesnā€™t love us because we are worthy.  God loves us because He gives us our worth!

To often the only thing I am consistent at is being inconsistent.  Would you say that?  You may have good intentions but struggle with follow throughā€¦ I have been there.  Wait, I am there.  So many areas of my life where I have been inconsistent in.

God gives grace.  He gives me His strength when I am weak.  I literally know and understand that I can choose the path of my own life.  Look at it this wayā€¦

The direction of my life is determined by the quality of my decisions.  We make our decisions, and our decisions make us.  

And here is another quote that hits the nail on the headā€¦

Successful people do consistently what other people do occasionally. 

I want to be consistent so that my life counts and God gets all the honor.  I will choose today, or pre-decide, that no matter what happens I will live a life that honors God!

Psalm 119:5  NLT  

Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your decrees!

I am grateful to have an example of this in my dad.  Thank you to all who have prayed for and supported our family during these difficult days.


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