It is time for back2school to happen in 13 of our 16 sites. Last weekend was amazing in two new sites. Next weekend there will be one in South Carolina, but now is the time.
Shoes are being prepared. Backpacks and school supplies are set up and ready to be given out. Volunteers are preparing locations and so much more for the students to arrive and to be blessed.
My biggest concern are the resources. My biggest prayer are the students and their hope. My biggest celebration is that we get to do this together.
Hebrews 11:8 NASB
By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he left, not knowing where he was going.
If you don’t mind, I am going to take just a couple minutes to reflect and then to share what the next 24 hours means to me. Please understand my heart is not about the size of what we do or how many students we serve. My heart is to be faithful to the call God placed on our hearts.
I am not Abraham. But I am Michael. God places in front of us opportunities to be faithful to Him. He is always working, always speaks and always doing these things for the good of the people He loves and to give glory back to God. The more we point people to Him, the more impact we are going to have.
For the young child that walks in to a location of back2school they might see the wonder of all these people or the coolness of the new shoes, but my prayer is that they will see and know the heart of God.
God is for them.
God loves them.
God made them and wants to show himself to them.
God is alive and not a concept or theory.
God is able to care for anything and everything.
God is a friend and a guide to all who look to Him, including this child.
Do you get it?
I remember hearing about a child up a ravine in Appalachia in the early 2000’s. As they were getting ready to go back to school a missionary and his team, the guys name was Bill, handed this child a shoe box filled with school supplies. These items were hard to come by at the time.
The smile across the student’s face.
The joy in the heart of the parent.
The obedience in the heart of the giver.
All of those things came together to connect each to the one who loves them most. We do this to connect people to hope We do this to connect people to life that really matters. We do this to share the greatest message to ever be shared.
What is that? It is that God is love and God loves you!
Won’t you join me in praying over the next day and over each of the back2school events that God’s love will be poured out and received by each and every person?
Romans 5:5 NLT
And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.
Thank you for listening. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for praying.
Now, let’s go serve!