We spend another day in Romans 8 looking at a few of the aspects of what faith in God does to and through our lives. These truths are life changing. That is life changing for us and for those we encounter and share our faith with.
Take a few minutes today to dig in, to take note of what God says to you, and apply the truth to your heart and life.
Romans 8:5-6 NLT
Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. 6 So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.
Todayās verses from Romans 8 are a comparison between following the Spirit of God and our flesh. Many passages in the New Testament deal with the same and give us more insight in to the life a Christian can be living. It will also give us the reasons why we may struggle each day to follow God.
Notice in these two verses what is said about living by the flesh, not following God. This person is dominated by their sinful nature. It is what they think about. It is about they pursue all the time. That pursuit simple leads to death. What does death look like? It is not just about ceasing to breathe. It is more about having no reason to live and struggling with the pain and brokenness of the world.
In contrast take note of the difference of following the Spirit of God. This person is controlled by the Spirit. The terminology and truth changes. No longer are you dominated and held by something that is painful. This person is controlled and led by God in ways that brings freedom. What I like most about these verses is what this personās mind runs to. The words life and peace are my favorites. The person following God ends with enjoying life, having life and living it with peace.
The choice is ours. Follow God or do things the worlds way or your way. One leads to more slavery and domination from the world. The other way leads to freedom, life and peace.
Pretty clear what the differences are. Pretty awesome what God gives those people who by choice follow Him.
I choose life and peace. How about you?