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Showing posts from April, 2023

snippets from the past

I want to finish this week with some ā€œsnippetsā€ from past e-devotions.  Things that stick out ā€¦ truth I need to be reminded of ā€¦ God continuing to guide and love and lift us. Take some time today and this weekend digest, or at least read again, the things God has shared before.  God is still working because God is good! John 8:36 NASB So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.   Freedom can be described in all different kinds of ways.  Often it refers to someone not received what they deserve.  On the other hand freedom can be described as something given by grace and undeserved and not easy to understand. And another ā€¦ SURE THING:  Godā€™s love never ends!   SURE THING:  Godā€™s mercy never ends.   SURE THING:  Godā€™s faithfulness is incredible.   SURE THING:  Godā€™s mercy is refreshing and sweet every morning.   SURE THING:  God is our hope.   SURE THING:  If we depend ...

pray because God is good

  In keeping with our last conversation of praying the Psalms, I share thisā€¦ Psalms 8:1-2  NLT   O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!  Your glory is higher than the heavens. 2  You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength, silencing your enemies and all who oppose you. Do you ever get just a little choked up when you see God do something? Do you ever just think WOW when you see something God created? Tell Him.  Let God know what you think, how you feel, where your mind is, and that you are in awe of Him.  Those ā€œawe momentsā€ are the ones that print a memory in our minds and even on our hearts.  Cherish those moments almost like a picture taken that you keep going back to for years. God is able.  God is good.  God is creator and keeper of all.  God is love, and we expect Him to respond in love, to give because of His love and to care for those we care about because of His goodness. That is a lot abo...

praying the Psalms

The Bible seems to come alive the more time I spend there.  For years I have been reading Proverbs on a daily basis.  Those verses come alive.  Some days are more clear than others.  Yet God knows and so many days gives me just what I need in what I read. Recently I picked up a book titled Praying the Psalms by Daniel Henderson and his organization Strategic Renewal.  Powerful tool.  (Check out for that and other resources as well as great content on prayer).  This book guides you through use the Psalms in your prayer time. Henderson has experienced great moves of God, and I have been encouraged to renew my commitment to prayer and to lead our church to pray more together.  There are some specific reasons why.  Let me try to shareā€¦ Often we seek the hand of God.  Meaning we ask Him to work and do so many things.  Then we often miss spending time with God or seeking His face.  If we would seek more of t...

put your hand on someone's back

  Proverbs 10:21  NLT   The words of the godly encourage many, but fools are destroyed by their lack of common sense. A word that encourages, an act that lifts someone, a helping handā€¦ all of those things may change someoneā€™s life.  Did you realize that? One of the things that I have talked about for years is the power of putting your hand on someoneā€™s back.  It may be the encouragement they need to keep going, to go further, to not stop, to make a difficult decision, to do the right thing, to be kind, to know they arenā€™t alone, to try something new, to stop doing what is hurting them and others, to seek God, to live lifeā€¦ You get the point.  Or I hope you do. Be the encouragement someone needs today.  Put your hand on someoneā€™s back.  Help others be better and stronger by giving just a little bit of what you have been given. This is one of the things that we have talked about ministry doing for those who are in difficult times.  It might be ...

danger of drift

Yesterday we started a new series at The Community Fellowship titled DRIFT.  The definition of DRIFT is a driving movement or force, as in the force of winds or currents, to be carried by currents of water or air or even by circumstances wandering aimlessly. The fact that DRIFT happens reminds us that we need to be careful to not drift.  Stay tied to where you should be.  Choose your path and your journey carefully.  Why?  So that you donā€™t drift off in the wrong direction. Hebrews 2:1,3  NLT   So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from itā€¦So what makes us think we can escape if we ignore this great salvation that was first announced by the Lord Jesus himself and then delivered to us by those who heard him speak? A slow drift might be a single change or variance in what you are doing.  It doesnā€™t look like much at first, yet the longer you go that direction the further off the perfect or desire path you ...

did it make a difference?

  A few weeks ago we celebrated Easter.  The tomb is empty and the cross was real.  Did it make a difference? My sweet wife had a medical test last week, and it turned out well.  Did it make a difference? A friend sent a gift to be used on my upcoming trip to Cuba and the leadership retreat that I will lead.  Did it make a difference? I was recently reading late one evening, and I noticed that our TV was showing pictures we had saved.  There was a picture I took of my parents before they passed away.  Did it make a difference? In a conversation with a ministry friend a verse came to mind.  We talked about it in detail.  Did it make a difference? After a busy and good weekend at the speedway I was home Monday afternoon when Julie got home from work.  She gave me a big and long hug.  Did it make a difference? During that busy weekend I got a text from a friend out west.  He said he was praying for our team serving at the speedway...