There are so many people who make our lives better and stronger. We could name so many of those people, but really I want to be one of those people for others. It is a choice.
Some of the people that encourage us and make us better are ones we know very well. Maybe this is family or co workers, pastors or friends. We need these people. They make our lives richer and so much sweeter. I am grateful for each and every one.
Yes, I am a preacher. That makes me strange, at least to some people. It also means I really enjoy listening to other preachers. Some get my attention even more. Some of them I have never met, but I am so encouraged by their ministries and messages.
Again, I pray that I am that for others. Many people have encouraged me through the years. Some school teachers come to the top of the list. My parents are at the very top of the list. A few are close family friends or people I have met along my life journey. We need these people. We need to be these people.
Make others better. That is a high goal to set and an important one.
Preachers that have encouraged me are men like Jerry Amstutz, WA Criswell, Leonard Dupree, Michael Claunch, John McAurther, Jesse Duplantis, Michael Palmer, Johnny Hunt, Robert Morris, James Merritt, Jerry Vines and so many, many others. One that stands out is Charles Stanley.
Charles Stanley passed away yesterday at the age of 90. His ministry at First Baptist Church of Atlanta was long and incredible. There is no telling how many lives have been touched by his ministry and preaching, especially through the TV and radio ministry.
What stands out for me with Dr. Stanley is his stance on and preaching of the Word of God. He chose to stay close to the Bible and to make sure to share with confidence what God said. He clearly shared some of the deepest truths of Scripture and did so in a compelling way. I have read articles and books of his that left me better and strong. I have listened to countless sermons that challenged my faith as well as made me want to preach better. I only heard him preach in person a couple times, but those messages stand out for me.
He will be missed, but his entrance to heaven must have been sweet. Those touched by his ministry need our prayers as well as his family.
Another thing that happened in the last year was a partnership with InTouch Ministries to share Bibles. They gave over 1,000 Bibles to our church and some recorded Bibles in Spanish that I have taken to Cuba. These Bibles have been given out each week from his ministry and been a blessing in many places.
1 Peter 1:25 NLT
But the word of the Lord remains forever.” And that word is the Good News that was preached to you.
I am grateful for Dr. Charles Stanley and his encouragement to always be ready to share the good news about Jesus. Make it all about Jesus!
I ask you pray for my trip back to Cuba in May and for the leadership retreat that I will help host for the sports ministry leaders. If you would like to help sponsor this retreat, please reach out to me. Thanks ahead of time, and please pray for the ministry here through The Community Fellowship and in Cuba.