Hebrews 10:23 NLT
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.
Every now and then you need a list. I have been listening to my wife the last couple of days talk about a list of items she needs to bake a cake she is excited about.
Maybe you have done what I have a time or two. You get excited about something. Then, you go check the list of what you need to make it, do it or accomplish what you are wanting to work on only to find out you donāt have all you need.
The first time I remember this I was like 10 or 11 years old. I came home from school and wanted a hamburger. We are the kind of people that use bread as a bun. So, I got the bun ready with all the right condiments and cheese. Then I remembered we didnāt have any hamburger patties. oops!
We need lists. We need reminders. Sometimes these list remind us of truth and strength, and sometimes the lists will allow us to complete all we set out to do.
Here is one of those lists. It is simple. Nothing other than facts of what God has done for us. It is not all-inclusive, but it is all-true. Read through and stop at the ones you need a little extra reminder of:
-- God has given us hope!
-- God is our rock!
-- God gave us Salvation in Jesus!
-- God is our fortress and protection!
-- God is and supplies our power!
-- God is the source of love!
-- God is a just and perfect judge!
-- God is to be and can be trusted!
-- God is near us always!
-- God is for us!
-- God completes us!
-- God is far more able than we give Him credit for!
That list can go on and on. Read it more. Add to it. Hold tight to this truth forever.
Joshua 23:8 NLT
Rather, cling tightly to the Lord your God as you have done until now.
NOTE: this was first shared in July of 2019