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Showing posts from December, 2023

Christmas Eve at The Community

Community family and friends, I want to personally invite you to spend some time with our church family family celebrating Jesus this Christmas Eve.   Sunday morning at 10:10 we will gather and have a little different worship experience.   Music.   Lights.   Message.   And focusing on the reason for Christmas. Also, I ask that you to give a mission offering to church.   All offering giving this Sunday at church will go to our 2023 Mission Offering.   This time of the year is when we take the offering that helps to serve others and share Jesus to the ends of the earth.   This money will go to international, North American, state and local mission as well as to outreach projects.   Please bring your best gift to church. We know that some of our church family have plans to be in other places this Sunday, but be encouraged to lift up and celebrate Jesus.   Throughout the Christmas story we find people worshipping Jesus.   The wisemen, shepherds, Simeon and Anna at the temple, a...

what are you excited about?

  What are you waiting for?  Right now it might be about Christmas, the holiday, family or something like that.  There is so much going on. In the story of Jesus coming to earth there is one piece that sticks out to me about people who were anticipating something very important.  They were waiting and excited about what God had for them. We have all been in that place.  Waiting and excited.  It is kind of like a kid ready for Christmas but struggling to wait for the big day and all that it brings. What are you excited about and waiting for? Then you meet Simeon and Anna at the temple. Luke 2:27-35  NLT   That day the Spirit led him to the Temple. So when Mary and Joseph came to present the baby Jesus to the Lord as the law required, 28 Simeon was there. He took the child in his arms and praised God, saying, 29 ā€œSovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace, as you have promised. 30 I have seen your salvation, 31  which you ...

experience Jesus this Christmas

What stands out for you at Christmas?  Oh, there is so much.  So much to celebrate.  So much to enjoy.  So much to focus on. But take some time to think that through because often we take this holiday in other directions by focusing on the things, the hype and pieces that keep us from focusing on Christ. Think about it.  Focus on Christ this Christmas. Luke 1:31,38  NLT   You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesusā€¦  Mary responded, ā€œI am the Lordā€™s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.ā€ And then the angel left her. Mary was visited first by an angel, and then she became the earthly mother of Jesus.  Can you imagine how that changed her life.  Accepting this call was a big deal.  She experienced God and His grace. Matthew 1:21,24  NLT   And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sinsā€¦ When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel ...

make much of your Christmas

  I trust you are getting ready for Christmas, and I want to pass on to you some excellent thoughts from the Navigators.   Letā€™s make sure we keep Christ in Christmas and keep the main thing as the main thing.  For all of that, it is Jesus.  This is a personal choice that each of us have to make.  Make much of the one who has given so much for us. But I also want to share with you at the end a few important take aways from my trip to Cuba.  So check out the e-devotion and then the info from Cuba ā€¦ 5 Days of Christmas Reflections from the   At this time of year, to-do lists can become the focus of Christmas more than Christ. Shopping for family and friends, baking, cooking, wrapping presents, attending parties, and preparing for Christmas leave us busy and exhausted. Letā€™s commit to keep Christ in Christmas with five days of Christmas reflections. Day 1: Make quiet time a priority. Taking time early in the morning proves to be a good way ...

thank you for the Cuba trip support

  I got back late Friday night from Cuba.  It was a wonderful trip full of adventure as well as seeing what God is doing with the sports ministry in Cuba.  Looking back it really is amazing and I am grateful for all the people who make this ministry and these trips possible. 1 Thessalonians 1:2  NLT   We always thank God for all of you and pray for you constantly. There are several people who give and help for each and every trip I take, and I want to say a huge THANK YOU.  Without these friends and faithful believers this would not be possible.  Furthermore, people would not hear the Gospel or have an opportunity to see the hand of God in and on their lives. Then there are the people and workers in Cuba who day in and out are making this ministry a priority and possible.  Thank you to the staff across the country, the families of each FCA staff member and all the supports across Cuba that love Jesus and know that He is the truth. Colossi...

on the way to Cuba

  I am excited.  The next 12 days i will be in Cuba, and it is the 4th time I have had the honor of being in the country this year. These days will be full of encouraging those who are part of the sports ministry there.  Please join me in praying not specifically for the trip, but pray for this incredible, God-honoring ministry that is making a difference in the lives of so many people. 1 Corinthians 9:22-23  NIV   To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. 23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings. I am not the Apostle Paul, but it is obvious that I have a calling from God that I am excited to fulfill.  In fact it is an honor to serve others who are searching for Jesus.  God uses people like you and me to help others meet His son all the while changing their lives. Pray for those who need Jesus. Pray for leaders of the spo...