Throughout the book of Proverbs we find Wisdom calling out. God has a way of getting our attention, but the best way to hear God is to get quiet, to position ourselves and to prepare to hear from God.
We learn from what He says. There are many things that we learn from the Bible, and in particular from Proverbs we are given instruction and proud yet simple truth to live by. These things we change our lives and guide our lives so we are much stronger.
There are two people who speak out or call out in Proverbs. One is calling people to wrong things. The other is calling people to do what is right.
It is two women who personify the calling. We read often of the one looking for the man who is hunting for a women. The Bible tells men not to even go by her house. She calls out to him.
Proverbs 9:13-15 NLT
The woman named Folly is brash. She is ignorant and doesn’t know it. 14 She sits in her doorway on the heights overlooking the city. 15 She calls out to men going by who are minding their own business.
But then there is another calling. This one isn’t preparing her bed for this foolish man. This one is providing the truth of God for those who are listening and learning. What she says is strong and powerful. What she says is empowering and making us so much stronger.
Proverbs 1:20-21 NLT
Wisdom shouts in the streets. She cries out in the public square. 21 She calls to the crowds along the main street, to those gathered in front of the city gate:
Proverbs 8:1-2 NLT
Listen as Wisdom calls out! Hear as understanding raises her voice! 2 On the hilltop along the road, she takes her stand at the crossroads.
My question is this, who are you listening to? Those who are watching our lives know who we are listening to.
May we choose the wisdom of God. May we know that God has a plan, and He loves us so much. His wisdom will take us to places we cannot go without God. It is time to choose who we are going to listen to.