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Showing posts from July, 2024

the children of back2school

  Just seeing their faces might change your life.  Their smilesā€¦ laughsā€¦ concernsā€¦ bright eyes ā€¦ and so much more make all that goes on during back2school pretty incredible. As I was explaining to a group of people today about the process of interacting with students, specially during the foot washing process, really is life changing.  It might change the student and their families as well as the volunteer that is working with them. One more part of back2school that makes it special is the students.  The can be as young as preschoolers who are just beginning their education career  It might be a student who is about to exit high school and head off to their bright and big futures.  And we get to encourage and speak in to their lives. Students and their families are those that we are blessed to serve.  Would you please join me in praying for each and every student that will be part of this process? Pray for them to be able to hear.  Pray that we wi...

backpack, backpack

  One of the things hat became a vital part of back2school was backpacks, and that continues to be an important.  Last night almost 200 hundred volunteers from many of the back2school outreach locations came together to pack over 2,000 backpacks. The students who receive those backpacks will be better prepared for a new school.  Inside each is a Bible that we pray is used to encourage and share Jesus.  Please pray that each of those Bibles does what God made it to do. The people who packs the backpacks prayed over them.  The people that donated the supplies are a great blessing to the outreach and to each one that is served.  The volunteers who packed them and who will hand them out are a great part of blessing. I love to see the process and all those who get served.  When we found these backpacks from a supplier in Florida, a man named Bob who is a great blessing, helps us get a sturdy and long lasting tool that students are given.   Please pray ...

its time for back2school 2024

Hello Community family! it is that time once again.  Please join in to serve with back2school as we share hope and love with lots of students.  Here is the schedule for the week: TUESDAY.  6pm at new campus.  Packing backpacks  WEDNESDAY.  6pm at church in Collinsville.  Setting up the church. FRIDAY. 3pm at church in Collinsville. All volunteers arrive to serve students with special needs and their families. SATURDAY. 8am in Collinsville.  Volunteers arrive to serve students. We also need food for volunteers.  Please bring snack items AND stuff for breakfast and lunch.  Also you can sponsor students for $22 each.  Got questions?  Send me an email to I look forward to seeing each of you and serving students as we  demonstrate the love of God to our community  and beyond.  Have a great day, and please continue to pray for impact of back2school at every location that is serving! With GOD as my gu...

help others know their value

  We are just a few days ahead from our back2school outreach, and one of the things that we do is to share with students and their families that they have value.  God loves each and every one.  It is an honor to help others grow to know and experience Jesus. Why do we want to help them grow as well as have a great school year?  think about this ā€¦ Roots are important.  If roots arenā€™t getting nourished, the rest of the plant will not get what it needs.  When roots are strong, the rest of the plant will be strong. Here is just a few thoughts or truths to help us and others grow in Christ and live a life and is successful. Psalm 46:1  NLT   God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. Deuteronomy 31:8  NLT   Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.ā€ Trust God.  Let Him be your strength and toil your life wit...

the people of back2school

  The greatest part of the inner workings of the #back2school project is the people.  It is not the resources that are given away.  It is not the number of students we serve.  It is not the incredible number of churches involved.  It is not the number of sites and locations where the outact takes place.  It is the people.  If you are going to serve in this outreach, please take a few minutes and notice the faces and the smiles of each and every student that comes our direction.  They are special and a gift. If you are going to serve in this outreach, look around at the people who are serving with you.  Men and women, boys and girls who are excited to share and give and make a difference.  Each volunteer is awesome. It doesnā€™t stop there, but I will stop for now.  Well, with one last thought.  That thought is thisā€¦ Without each and every person this outreach is useless and empty.  Yet there are people, the greatest gift and...

how back2school makes a difference

  In the next 11 days I am going to share the blessings and challenges of the # back2school  project, and it is incredible to see what God is doing.  There are many opportunities that allow us to serve people in great ways.   Psalm 34:8  NLT Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!   The people who have helped us with back2school over the years is really amazing.  Some of these helped us move to the next level.  Others gave resources so we can see more people.  Some of these friends allowed us to do more than ever before.   You can help us do the same.  Will you volunteer at one of these locations?  Will you provide resources that are needed?  Will you pray for the tremendous outcome of this yearā€™s outreach?   Several years ago Manny Ohonme, founder of Samaritanā€™s Feet our shoe partner, shared three kingdom principles and challenged us about being a se...

last day to register for back2school

Today is the last day to register students for back2school.  Each of the locations will be open this evening will be open for 6 to 8pm for all students who need to register or have their feet measured for shoes. Why do we lead the back2school program?  That is an easy question.  We desire to serve and share value with others.  Maybe the voice of the volunteer that serves a specific child or maybe it is the feeling that the student feels or even the story that each student hears will remind them of the hope we have from Jesus. That is the very reason we seek to share with each and every student.  Would you help us today to get the word out about registration.  Tell a friend or neighbor.  Share a facebook message.  Do something to help us serve more people. Matthew 19:14-15  NLT   But Jesus said, ā€œLet the children come to me. Donā€™t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.ā€ 15 And he plac...

how anger impacts our lives

  Anger is like a slow growing cancer.  It might be held by unforgiveness, but it will be seen in bitterness, pain, someone being mean or just unkind.  It will move on to an unsettled mind and heart.  Finally it will even so delude a person to not be able to see how anger is taking your life. Things in our lives that are left unchecked, not dealt with, letting run their coarse will often show themselves as silent killers.  Anger is one of those and maybe one of the most difficult.  Anger leads to so many other things. Can anger be a good thing?  Yes, it can.  Remember Jesus when he went to the temple and turned over the tables.  That was righteous anger.  He was angry for the right reasons and the right outcome.  What are the things we can be angry about that will help us and others? Can anger be a bad thing?  Definitely yes it can, and I suggest most often anger is a negative, destructive attribute.  We typically get angr...

choosing to serve

  We are headed to the weekend once again, and my question for each of us who follow Jesus is how will we serve?  Think about it. Often we focus on ourselves and our needs.  It is important that we live a life of balance and strength.  Make much of God and our following Him.  Do take care of yourself, but choose to use who you are, what you have, and where you are going to make a difference with the people around you.  Think about it. Proverbs 3:27  NLT Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when itā€™s in your power to help them. When you can, choose to serve.  Use what you have to help those around you. Mark 10:14  NASB   But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and said to them, ā€œAllow the children to come to Me; do not forbid them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. The children are important.  The is why back2school is so important for our church and those who partner with us.   Hubert Humphrey said, ā€œ...