One of the greatest places where Jesus’ followers were challenged to remember the presence of Jesus was after His death on the cross and the resurrection from the dead. He literally appeared to them several times during those 40 days.
It seems that Jesus was reminding them and us that whether they saw Him or not that He was with them. Do you get that?
Seeing is not always believing. Believing is seeing.
Not only is that a quote from the movie The Santa Clause, it the reality for all who follow Jesus. Whether we are in His presence or not, we are with Him. On earth He is with us. In heaven we will be with Him. In the peaceful, easy days He is with us. In the hard and struggling days, He is with us.
Mark 16:5-7 NLT
When they entered the tomb, they saw a young man clothed in a white robe sitting on the right side. The women were shocked, 6 but the angel said, “Don’t be alarmed. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Look, this is where they laid his body. 7 Now go and tell his disciples, including Peter, that Jesus is going ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there, just as he told you before he died.”
His death wasn’t the end. Oh no, His death was the beginning of life for us and so many others. That’s why we have to go and tell them.
Mark 16:12,14 NLT
Afterward he appeared in a different form to two of his followers who were walking from Jerusalem into the country… Still later he appeared to the eleven disciples as they were eating together. He rebuked them for their stubborn unbelief because they refused to believe those who had seen him after he had been raised from the dead
He appeared. Several times He appeared. He said we are to believe. It is a heart thing and no an eye thing. Do you get that?
Mark 16:19-20 NLT
When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down in the place of honor at God’s right hand. 20 And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs.
He is not finished with us. But Jesus’ work of redemption is enough and continues in us.
Be reminded that believing is seeing!