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Showing posts from March, 2025

that prayer card

  Do not be afraid, for the Lord our God will be with you! I am praying that whatever may come your way, you would know… and feel the height and depth and width and never ending love of God! May the Lord bless you and keep you.  May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you!  May the Lord place His presence upon you and give you peace! … Those three things are on a card that sits on my desk, right in front of my computer.  I received this card at the Raceway Ministries conference this past January, and it has been a reminder of so much.  I am grateful.   God intends and plans things in our lives.  He actually plans the things of our lives, and it is good for us to trust God.  That is why I need, and you need, reminders like this card so often. Earlier this week I was reading my daily Scripture and came across the prayer that is on the card.  It reminded me of His presence, His goodness and so much more.  May we lean...

the great cover up

  There is a difference between the cover up we are talking about and another that is prevalent.  Sometimes we cover things to keep them good.  Sometimes we cover things because we want to hide them. Hear me out.  Too many people are covering up their wrong and their sins because they are ashamed and don’t want people to know.  But God.  God desires to cover our sin with His love for us, through His gift of Jesus’ life and death on the cross. Do you see the difference in those two over ups?  It is a big deal.  It is time to get this one right.  It is time for life to be come to be what is really the best for us, for our families, for the church and for everyone.  And what is that?  It is the covering of our sins by Jesus.  Covering of God by what is right and best. In the Garden of Eden God covered Adam and Eve because they became aware of their sin.  Then throughout history people like you and me have continued to cover u...