There is a difference between the cover up we are talking about and another that is prevalent. Sometimes we cover things to keep them good. Sometimes we cover things because we want to hide them.
Hear me out. Too many people are covering up their wrong and their sins because they are ashamed and don’t want people to know. But God. God desires to cover our sin with His love for us, through His gift of Jesus’ life and death on the cross.
Do you see the difference in those two over ups? It is a big deal. It is time to get this one right. It is time for life to be come to be what is really the best for us, for our families, for the church and for everyone. And what is that? It is the covering of our sins by Jesus. Covering of God by what is right and best.
In the Garden of Eden God covered Adam and Eve because they became aware of their sin. Then throughout history people like you and me have continued to cover up our sin. But when we have our sin in front of us, when the Holy Spirit is convicting us, we began to know that we need God more than we need to hide or cover up our sin. We need Jesus’ blood to cover our sin.
Romans 5:1 NLT
Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.
Ephesians 1:7 NLT
He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.
Jesus covered our sin and brought forgiveness. No longer do we have to cover up or hide what we have done and deal with shame.
We are forgiven and valuable to God who has covered our sin.