Again, from Erwin McManus: "The church isn't here for us. We are the church and we are here for the world," McManus said. "We need to become prophets of the unknown God. We must be the ones who say, 'We have seen the invisible, we have experienced the unimaginable and we are here to tell you that what you do not know can be known.' . . . God is the unknown God, but He is not the unknowable God." Ever wondered why companies change their logo or remodel or use a new slogan? It is to get the attention of the customer. Ever noticed that the church is often the last one to make any changes? Fact is that people in our churches cannot control the world around them (family, job, feelings, money, etc) so they find something they can control or think they can control. That sometimes becomes the church as members seek to put a stop to change and in so doing put a stop to creativity, growth, evangelism and even people being ...