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Showing posts from January, 2008

get ready for the game :: Thursday E-Devotion

Football is a part of life.  For some it really is their life.  For others it is an unnecessary part of life.  Yet this weekend is one of those times when the game almost supersedes everything else ... church, sleep, work or anything.  The super bowl is huge.  No, I am not going to tell you who to pull for or who to vote for.  But I will say that little David didn't have much chance against ol' Goliath (get the point?).   Those half-time commercials are so cool.  Companies spend millions of dollars and seek their customers with gusto.  The teams prepare for victory with blood, sweat and tears.  Fans spend with no end to get to the game and let others see they have been there.   What can we learn at church from this game?   1 --- you got to beleive you can win, and live like it!   Vince Lombardi - "Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence."   1 Timothy 4:...


Tim Stevens is one of the most creative dudes I read.  He and Tony Morgan have partnered as the simply stratgic guys and produced quality work that inspires me to lead higher and higher.  Tim is speaking at the Whiteboard conference I am going to in May as well.  is an awesome site for leadership notes.  Tim Stevens is the executive pastor at Granger Community Church .  Click often and enjoy!


Carlos Whitaker is not your average church staff member to say the least. Tatoos. Shaved head. Passion and so much to share. This dude has hit me several times and sent me on some talks with God. Click his link from time to time.... Carlos is program director at www. buckhead church .org and writes great worship tunes. Enjoy!

news links on the right

OK.  Sometimes I feel like I am slighting people by removing them from my blog links.  But these are my links.  Changes are inevitable.  They are often needed.  Still more are on the table, maybe.  But I have to share a couple new links that I am adding.  Guys that I read almost, if not every day and who really encourage my socks off.  Adding to these...   SWERVE ... Craig Groeschel EVOTIONAL ... Mark Batterson 12 witnesses ... Art Rogers ... Ken Wilson     I introduce ya to a couple of dudes.  (2 post coming now)

Give OR Take :: Wednesday E-Devotion

John 10:10  (The Message) --- A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.   There are two kinds of people in the world.  Plain and simple.  Either you are a giver or a taker.  Either you add to people or you take away from them.  You either are part of the increase or robbing and a decrease.  It could be money.  It be vision.  Could be relationships.  Even could be time.  So what about you?   Watched this video as I got to the office this morning.  Funny.  But true. (another deposit from Craig and the team at )   I am amazed that many of the people we admire and many of the things we pour ourselves into are the things that keep us poor and rob us blind.  Back to the story of the 12 Spies in Numbers 13  who went to check out the land God promised His people....

think HUGE :: Tuesday E-Devotion

This past Sunday we talked about facing our fears and used an old story to make this truth come alive.  In Numbers 13 God paints a picture of facing fears and what keeps us from thinking big.  It is the story of when God told Moses to send the 12 spies to go look at the land God promised His people.   10 of the spies were wimps, or pretty natural for humanity.  They looked at the strong people who lived in the land and their big cities and said that God's people were going to have a problem trying to take the land.  Literally, they let their situation and surroundings dictate what they believed that God could or would do.  Therefore, they told God's people to go a different direction and avoid this promise all together.  Have you ever done that?   Often church people and even cool Christians will listen to the wrong thing or just flat miss what God is doing.  It could be because of fear, or it could be because we...

leadership conference

This is gonna be good.  Just reigstered for this conference put on by Ben Arment .  Go take a look.  The speakers are going to be well worth the time.  Join me!   THE WHITEBOARD SESSIONS , Reston, Virginia, May 22, 2008

fear and failure :: Monday E-Devotion

"The grace of God turns final mistakes into single mistakes."   (Mark Batterson, Chase the Lion page 49)   God picks us, dusts us off and gets us going again.  Whether it is the first time we have fallen or the 10th time, God is the God of 2nd chances, big heart, compassion, love and understanding.  His hands bring healing and bring us home to hear from and to know Him.    This weekend has been such a time of 'unlearning' the things that the world has helped me learn through the years.  Chase the Lion brings some thoughts that I don't always get at first.  Then I fall right in line with what God has to say.  One huge thought is this: "If you study the teachings of Christ, you'll realize that learning was not His primary goal.  His primary goal was unlearning.  He was reverse-engineering religious minds..." ( CHASE page 50)   He shook up the world.  He shook up th...

face our fears :: Friday E-devotion

(NOTE: I have been under the weather the last few days.  That is why there was not a devotion yesterday and why this one is so short.)   One of the greatest questions we have asked during our Chase the Lion series comes is this: what if your greatest success is hiding behind your worst fear?  That can be found in the manifesto and in the book.  Think about it.   Fear keeps us tied down and not effective for God.  Fear is Satan's attempt to stop or side track Christians.   Has Satan stopped you?  Here are some verses to renew the reason why we don't have let fear drive our lives:   Psalm 46:10  --- "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."   John 14:27 --- I'm leaving you with a gift: peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give isn't fragile like the peace the world gives. So, don't be troubled or afraid. ...

Change is hard :: Wednesday E-Devotion

Was reading an article from this magazine about a new work by  Brian McLaren and his thoughts about change.  Here is one quote we will talk about today:   If I could speak just one sentence to young people, I'd say, "Don't waste your life in being part of the religious machine, but spend your time on the real work of Jesus: helping to actively heal global crises through the wisdom, love and power of God."   Maybe you have noticed as I have a shift in what young people are talking about, caring about and how they connect with Christianity.  If you have, you have noticed a drastic change.  People no longer go to church because it is the "right think to do" since their parents or grandparents taught them that.  They go to church because it makes a difference and it is relevant.  That is one reason why The Community Fellowship is alive and well today.   Don't you love the gifts God has given u...

lions are mean :: Tuesday E-Devotion

Ok.  We are in the midst of our series Chase the Lion , and I start thinking about lions.  They are beautiful animals.  But they are mean, too.  Have you ever seen that?  They have a huge roar and fangs and such.    Can you imagine running into the situation that Benaiah did (see 2 Samuel 23 )?  Lions will tear you apart and not think twice about it.  Our world is full of lions.   1 Peter 5:8  (nlt) --- Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.   Just at the moment when all is calm.  No worries around you.  Life seems to be moving forward.  A lion roars and moves into your life.  That verse speaks volumes about the lions we encounter.  Some of them are the work of our enemy, Satan.  How do we deal with that lion?  Running scared.  Or, Standing strong.  You make that call.  ...

seize 'em :: Monday E-Devotion

"Most of us want opportunities gift wrapped.  We want our lions stuffed or caged or cooked medium well and served on a silver platter.  But opportunities typically present themselves at the most inopportune times and in the most inopportune places.  Opportunities often come disguised as big, hairy audacious problems, but lion-chaser don't see problems.  They see 500-pound opportunities !"  (Mark Batterson, Chase the Lion page 31)   Yep, problems or opportunities.  It depends how you look at them.  Are they in the way or the way to go?  Are they wrecking your life or enhancing your life?  Make the call.  But it is time to seize 'em.   Matthew 19:26  (nlt) --- Jesus looked at them intently and said, "Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible."   Ephesians 5:16  (nlt) --- Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Romans 8:31 ...

from the back of the plane

Now we know.  We've been in Vegas for the National Fellowship of Raceway Ministry annual meeting.  It was good.  Saw Red Rock Canyon State park.  Saw Hoover Dam.  Saw the Freemont Street Experience and much, much more (including Kryspy Kreme).  See the pictures I sent earlier on the blog.   The view front the back of the place.  Yep.  Row 47, center seats on a 757.  That is what it looked like.  Great trip.  More notes later, but we so glad to be back home with the kids...    

1 strange site and 1 VERY welcome site we've seen


more sites we've seen

Some more sites we've seen.  OK....guess where you think we've been.  Had fun!

a couple sites I've seen

You may or maynot know whats up with us this past week.  But we are enjoying Jesus, some sites and ministry friends.  More next week.  But here are a few pictures to let you know where we may be...enjoy!

success with no regrets :: Friday E-Devotion

I am often floored by the Christians I talk to you that are full of regrets or depressed or feel as if they failed.  We have GOT to get what God's says in our ears, hearts and minds.  That means knowing so great stuff: God loves you, God fills you, God guides and gives success....and so much more.   In the past week Craig Groeschel from Lifechurch has written on the idea of success .  Here are the four points that he said are huge points that will help us have less regret and grab the true understanding of success:   SPIRITUAL PASSION, INTEGRITY, HUMILITY, STRONG WORK ETHIC   Those seem to be stuff that comes with knowing who is in control.  It is God.  No me and not even the church.  It is all about seeing that people hear about and get pointed toward God.  Integrity and humility are tied to the fact that "we need God".  Don't lose that.    What happens when we think we don...

What IF :: Thursday E-Devotion

What if?   What are the things we regret?   Should have done this.   Shouldn't have done that.     I hear those statements all the time as I talk to people about Jesus.   Most people live every day with heavy regret over the things that happen in their lives, yet few people really live.   Philippians 4:13 (nlt) --- For I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength .   Colossians 3:2 (nlt) --- Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.   Great question: what would you do today if you knew this was the last week of your life?   Wow.   You and I have not thought like that in a long, long time.   We have grocery list a mile long.   We have plans upon plans that we would like to take care of or trips we'd like to take or people we'd like to spend time with.   But we don't.   As a father, I learn more and more as our three little ones grow that I ...

Taking it by force :: Wednesday E-Devotion

Carpe deim ā€¦ seize the day.   Seize means to take by force.   One can use this term to describe an act of war or violence.   Yet it could describe a person who knows what they want and are going after it.   Case in point: JESUS.   I would say, and you would agree, that Jesus seized every opportunity He could to maximize impact on lives.   People may have not understood and they may not have seen where He was leading at first.   But Jesus made such impact that the world was chance and is STILL being changed by Him.   The sermon on the mountā€¦.it has been used to talk about Christian living from every possible angle.   This is one of those moments in history where we find structure, encouragement, marching orders and the stuff that ministry is made of.   If a person takes the "beatititudes" seriously, they will seize the day and seize opportunity.   That might even, no will take risk to a new level. ...

risk leads to results :: Tuesday E-Devotion

Acts 15:26 (nasb) --- men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 16:4 (nasb) --- who for my life risked their own necks, to whom not only do I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles ;   Two verses that I hold close to my heart.  Why?  Because the people they are talk about are typical, every day kind of folk.  Kind of like you and me.  All they did was step out in faith.  They lived what God said, and other people got caught in the mix.  That is what happens when you take risks.  It leads to results.   Sunday afternoon one of my best friends called.  He lives in the deep south (and I miss his family much).  Some months ago he took a risk and begin to reach out of a teen guy having some serious, I mean serious, issues.  It has been a long journey with lots of pain and little progress.   Well, back to the call.  My buddy called Sunday and t...

willing to take some risk? :: Monday E-Devotion

Big question: are you willing to take some risk?  For most of us, we would rather 'play it safe' and leave risk to other people.  This would be with our money, our families, our school or job and with all of life.  But the fact is that if we don't take some steps and move forward, which calls for risk, we may never see growth, success and many of the good things that come in life.   God has not saved us just so we can maintain life where it is.  The so-called 'status quo' is not the place God destined us for.   Our Chase the Lion series at The Community Fellowship continues as this week we deal with Taking Risks?  this is awesome stuff.  Don't miss it.  Get the book if you need to.   Daniel was part our our thought on risk.  He took some big ones, and Daniel saw God bless his steps because Daniel trusted God.  Read on and be challenged:   (taken from Daniel 6 in the NLT) ...

Run, don't just sit there :: Friday E-Devotion

"Satan wants us to live in a defensive posture, and he uses two primary tactics to accomplish it - fear and disappointment.  He wants us to run away from fear, uncertainty and risk.  But Christ calls us to chase lions.  Satan would love nothing more than for our ultimate goal to be to avoid sin.  However, doing nothing wrong doesn't constitute doing something right.  Goodness is not the absence of badness."   ( Mark Batterson , Chase the Lion page 20   The chase continues.  This weekend at The Community we are talking about taking risks.  Oh, this is gonna be good.    But wait.  Does the church like risks?  Do you like risks?  Most of us would answer NO.  We would rather be involved in situations where we are in control or someone we can touch and trust is in control.  Never would we choose, or rarely, to let go, have faith, jump out or do something that is risky.   ...

thoughts for life and death :: Thursday E-Devotion

Today's devotion is kind of a side thought from our Chase the Lion series as there are some things going on that I want to chat about.  Lets get a little God first:   Psalm 116:15  (nlt) --- The Lord cares deeply when his loved ones die.   John 14:2  (nlt) --- There is more than enough room in my Father's home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?   I spoke with a friend yesterday who lost a close friend this weekend.  Many people were shocked by this young man's death who leaves four young children, a precious wife and a close church family.   Got an e-mail this morning and just got off the phone with another friend about a pastor in our area who died last night (see prayer requests below).  He leaves behind so many that love him.   Just these two men leave a legacy of life lived for Jesus.  I listened to testimony about the first man and continu...

sweet quotes :: Wednesday E-Devotion

I came across this blog post this morning and was big time encouraged.  As we continue to Chase the Lion there are notes that will give us fire to press on and fuel to share with others.  The post is quotes from Batterson's book that inspired the series we are in.  So, here are a couple verses and then some pieces of the post....enjoy!   Acts 15:26  (nlt) --- (speaking of Paul and Barnabas) who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.   Philippians 2:30  (nlt) --- For he risked his life for the work of Christ, and he was at the point of death while doing for me what you couldn't do from far away.   Quotes from this blog from  In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day There are two types of regret: regrets of action and regrets of inaction. Goodness is not the absence of badness. You can do nothing wrong and still do nothing right. What sets lion chasers apart isn't the outcome. It'...

are the odds against you :: Tuesday E-Devotion

I am amazed by the accomplishments of many people who are 'underdogs.'    About a month ago Ben Arment wrote this post about Ben Saunders .  This dude was told that he couldn't achieve anything.  Take a look at his website, and I believe you, like I was, will be amazed at what Ben Saunders has done.  Saunders has crushed the odds against him as he chased the lion.   Watch a news story about Kevin Connelly this weekend who has no legs but has traveled more than most people I know.  Look at his website where he has posted pictures of how people stare at him.  This is eye opening, and this dude has chased the lion and beaten the odds.   Almost daily we come in contact with people who defy the odds, live life to the fulfilled and go way beyond the status quo.  Look for these people.  Be amazed by them.  In today's e-devotion I share with you some God thoughts and couple observations from my...

book review: GOING ALL THE WAY

From time to time a book is placed in your hand and you have questions about what you should do with it (this is not one of those because I was told that I had to post a blog about it....I am happy about that). I was attending the Catalyst Conference with my brother in October when he showed me his pastor's new book. Thumbed through it. Caught a couple good quotes. Moved on. A couple weeks later came an offer from the author, Craig Groeschel , to read, review and post on my blog some thoughts about his book. Thanks, Craig. This is big for me and a real blessing! I sat to read the book and it took a hold on me (few books do this). So much of a hold that I took it to our small group Bible study in December where we poured through about 4 chapters before Christmas. It was awesome. Before a little review, here is my challenge....change what I use for premarital counseling. This is the new standard and book and gift to those couples. That is going to be a great plus to the couples who ...

Odds stacked against us :: Monday E-Devotion

Our Chase the Lion series began at The Community Fellowship this weekend, and it is off to an awesome chase.  We talked about defying the odds.  Have you ever felt like the odds were against you?  Been there.  Don't that.   In Sunday's sermon we talked about several men in the Bible who were not favored in the events they faced.  David as he went against the giant, Goliath ( 1 Samuel 17 ).  Benaiah who three situations including cornering a lion and killing it ( 2 Samuel 23:20-23 and the one our study is named for).  And Gideon who had is army taken from 30,000 to 300 in order to defeat 32,000 from Midia.   Here is the gist of the message:   Often we ask God to remove the risk in our lives rather than seize the opportunities...we would rather run from situations due to the odds rather than face them...our problems seem big when we perceive our God as being little...   Each of those notes reminds ...

The Chase Begins :: Friday E-Devotion

The chase begins.  Not the chase for the NEXTEL cup.  Not the chase to keep up with the Jones'.  Not the chase for success or possessions or degrees or the like.  It is the chase to do something big for God.   We have to start with asking some questions like: how big is our God? or, what do I expect God to do? or, what is holding me back?  those questions and more are just a small part of our new series, Chase the Lion , that begins this Sunday at The Community Fellowship .  I am pumped up about this series.  You don't want to miss any of it.   Philippians 3:12  (nlt) ---  I don't mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.   I don't run marathons, but I will chase you to the buffet line.  The race that I do choose to following God.  Often He c...