One of my deep convictions is this: when someone asks you to pray for them, stop and pray for them and with them at that moment. You may be with them on-line, on the phone or in person. Wherever you are, stop and pray. It is often the "christian" answer or response to someone to say "I'll be praying for you." Stop giving it lip service and start giving it life service. Think about it. How much more impact will Jesus have through us if people start seeing our faith rather than just hearing about it? Pray at the store or at school (God isn't allowed there, I know) or on the ball field or out in the street. Where ever you are and someone asks or you feel the need, stop and pray. It will make a huge difference. One of our favorite events at The Community Fellowship is our Halloween Outreach. Today marks our 3rd one. We partner with several community organizations along with the local TV st...